my heart is lost and your pulling me back again

Oct 04, 2008 08:27

hola to everyone out there !!!! i didnt post yesterday even though i was completely bored, keith was over here for a little while , then he left and i just played aroung on the internet , applied to a college , and then i called rae ..she is sick and we were talking about colleges that have a strong japanese program.

yesterday school:

british lit. all i did was highlight my lines for the play

economics we took notes and i almost failed a quiz

spanish II we did some lame-o worksheets basically busy work

study hall i taked mostly with courtney about our double date w/ out boyfriends which is tonight

geometry we took note and i barely understand them

drama i found my monologue and then me and amy chatted with mrs. osborne

nothing too special at school yesterday , i woke up about an hour ago and nobody else is awake yet , lol my toy chihuahua slept with me on the couch last night(i fell asleep watching a movie) and she came and slept right in between me and the couch ...i thought i was going to squish her , but she moved everytime i did

mom is going grocery shopping today , i hope she gets some good stuff , and i think im going to order my bento stuff today if i can ...well i may post after my date tonight

loves to everyone!!!!!


school, me, date

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