Art: Two Souls (Sam/Dean)

Dec 01, 2015 00:21

Game Prompt - Beyond: Two Souls
Artist: riverofwind
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Warnings: I had to write the summary, but other than that no warnings

Summary: Dean Winchester's life is pretty average. Sure, his dad raised him to be a monster hunter to avenge his dead mother and brother. And okay, said baby brother has been psychically linked to him ever since his death and is generally an invisible pain in the ass. But it's fine, he can deal with being the Haley Joel Osment reject who talks to the dead guy. Falling for the little bitch? Not part of the program.

Notes: This was for my spn_joystick prompt, because I may be the world's worst procrastinator, but I can't resist something that lets me claim a video game as a reason to draw something. I love games, and I've played a fair amount of them - so I figured I had a lot of prompts to choose from. When I found the comm and made my claim, I had just finished playing Beyond: Two Souls, so I thought it would make a fantastic wincest prompt. Two souls connected throughout their whole lives? It's perfect. Sprinkle in some angst (Sam and Dean meeting for the first time face-to-face while Dean is forced to make a decision between dying to stay with Sam in the Infraworld or continuing to live his life without his brother) and toss in demon blood being the reason Sam is still around after he died and wham - you got yourself a nice little mind ficlet. I ... may have put way too much thought into this.

Do I really need to say that I waited until the last minute to finish this? No? Okay, good.

art, sam/dean, spn_joystick

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