Fandoms of My Life: (2 of 100)

Apr 06, 2014 16:28

I didn't get to see Star Wars in its original run. It would be a year later at a drive-in paired with Bambi of all things. I had read the book already and was already into collecting whatever my budget and my small town bookstore had. I still have some of the Starlog magazines tucked away in my cedar chest. I was blown away by the special effects which have held up over the decades. It makes me sad that George Lucas felt the need to redo all the special effects and that so many younger fans haven't seen the original version.

I instantly fell in fangirl love with Harrison Ford and rooted for the Leia/Han ship all the way.

I never got the fan competition between Star Trek and Star Wars. Both are great franchises. Why limit your nerd love to just one. There was so few nerd things to geek out to back then.

Fanfiction? You either had to go to con and hope the 'zines were good, or order one via the mail and wait *weeks* to get one. And Kirk/Spock slash? If you knew about it? The closest comparison I can make as to how shocking that was is Wincest today, but multiply that by about ten. I've tried to read Kirk/Spock and even Spock/McCoy. I just *can't*.
Maybe it's because it was part of my childhood that makes me dig in my heels. Don't get me wrong, even my 'tween brain saw the closeness between Spock and Kirk. Amok Time, hello? Of course, I had no clue about homosexuality back then and couldn't even tell you when I found out. It wasn't until I glommed onto The X-Files that I started reading Mulder/Krycek fic.

But I stray far off topic. I totally spoiled myself by reading The Empire Strikes Back before I saw the movie. I remember getting to the end of that book and feeling like I'd been punched in the stomach. But. . . you can't end it there! I have to wait three years to see what happens? I wrote a lot of fanfic those three years. It's still my favorite movie out of the six, and IMO the most powerful.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what George had up his sleeve for the final trilogy. I know he had all nine stories basically written before he even started filming Ep IV.

That's it for now. I could go on and on, but with 98 more entries to go, I've got to save something.

movies, 100 things challenge: fandoms of my life

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