
May 06, 2013 01:52

So, NJ con. I don't know what the heck the exact question was that Jensen refused to answer except it was about Dean/Cas. Was the fan allowed to ask another question? Because if it were me, I'd be pissed off too. Now Creation wants to screen every question? What's the point of having a panel if every single question is going to be censored by the con runners? How are the fans supposed to know what is an "acceptable" question for the guests? You might as well not have a Q & A, just have them talk about whatever they want. Creation charges obscene amounts of money for the fans to see these guys. And I've heard the argument that "oh they're so wonderful to come to con" which I won't disagree with. But they get paid, and if the numbers I've heard are true, J2 get paid quite a bit for a few hours work. It's not *just* out of the goodness of their hearts.

I'm also sick of hearing how the Dean/Cas--or any other shippers--are twisted, delusional or other scathing adjectives. Why would anyone say anything like that? That's like me saying to a non-shipper that they're homophobic or need therapy about their hatred of sex. Canon is fine and good, but we have no clue what the characters are doing off-screen. Jensen himself has said that Dean probably resorted to some less than savory methods of making money when John left them alone for too long. Why is it a big deal to ask the actors about aspects of their character's personality that can't be explored because of network censorship? Who else has a better handle on their character? Of course if it makes them uncomfortable to answer a question they should say so, but just because a fan doesn't feel the same way you do doesn't give you the right to insult the whole group just because one fan is out of line. Just because something makes you uncomfortable doesn't make the other person wrong.

My question is are we going to be able to ask about canon 'ships at panels?

I wish Creation didn't have an exclusive contract with the guys. Creation is far to tight with the reins as to what the actors can say. OMG! No swearing or sexual discussions? Why not? Supernatural is a show for adults, not kids. I would love to pick Jared's brain about what he thought went on between Sam and Lucifer in hell, but it's not allowed because kids are present. Ummm, hello? If you're letting your eight year old watch Supernatural, I feel I'm well within my rights to question your parenting skills.

I've been to two cons. While I didn't have a Gold ticket to attend all the events, I've found fans show a lot of respect for the actors, asking them questions about their work on Supernatural, and other projects they've done and they respect us in return. One of my best memories of Nashville con was how sweet Richard was at my photo op. After giving out dozens of hugs at his panel, I was a little hesitant in asking for one. I asked if he'd had enough hugs today and he said, "No. Never." and gave me one. Neither the fans or the actors are perfect. We are flawed human beings. We all need to remember and respect each other's boundries and beliefs.

The conflict comes from fans judging other fans. Cut it out. It's not cool.

i love my fandom!, craziness, j2, drama, wha?, fandom, this is my brain on spn, thinky thoughts, rl, wtf people!, cons, spn nashville con '11, rant

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