Our first real winter storm of the season and it had been only sleet since last night until about an hour ago when it finally changed to snow. It was a noisy night. I don't really like winter, but it's more bearable when there's new snow on the ground. And when you can go ice skating.
On Saturday I went skating on the pond across the road and fell on my one knee pretty hard. The next day at church I fell down the steps on the same knee. So now I have two bruises on my one knee and a bruise on my ankle where my heel got caught in my pant leg. They don't hurt--I just wanted to brag.
All ready for a picture! Only to have my brother wiz by. He's always got to have a stick.
And obviously I'm not usually so graceful or I wouldn't fall down so much.
Getting snowed in is such a good excuse to do what I usually do everyday without one--namely, sitting around at home