Bored Ramblings

Sep 07, 2006 20:29

So...I'm bored. So I'm gonna do a sort of random journal thingie, just because. I haven't been on LJ much lately...might as well throw something up. (And dangit, if one of you makes a pun about barfing...*evil death glare*)

Life Happenings Instead of Totally Pointless Stuff For Once! )

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riverfox237 October 5 2006, 02:59:46 UTC
*happy nod* Yep, Kat gave me the code. Now I just gotta remember which LJ entry it's on for later, lol! I know the basics of the code...I just can't recall the specifics every time, ya know? Ah well, I'll get it eventually. If I can completely memorize my library card number, I should be able to remember a little bit of code! (What? I reserve stuff online! No, I am not obsessed! >.> XD Seriously, I memorized that huge long number on my card so I don't hafta get it out every time I wanna renew/reserve stuff from the library online. It's just easier that way. ^^)

*grins* Ah, so true! Sometimes one just doesn't feel like writing down one's thoughts.

Yes, we have made our Beowulf movie! It was great! :D I am 100% positive that we got an A. ^^ The movie went well (aside from the scenes briefly freezing before they switched, but that couldn't be helped). The movie was about a half-hour long, plus bloopers, but you know how long it took us to film it all? Eight. Hours. XD Mostly 'cause we hade about 9 people (us 4 plus our extras), and we kept goofing around. It was tons of fun, though! :D We got some hilarious bloopers, and my Mom volunteered to do the 'dragon's fire'! She took a grill lighter and a can of hairspray, and lit the stream of hairspray on fire for this really cool effect. The lighter kept dieing on us, though, but we got 'er done! (We're minor piros, my family; Mom didn't even need to be asked before she volunteered!) XD One of my friend, Nightmare's, friends (she brought them w/ her because they were at her house, and we needed soldier extras anyways), she said she wanted to try and post it on YouTube. If that happens, I'll definitely send ya the link!

Awwww... :) Poor FBG! I didn't actually see them be born, although I have before. It's kinda gross, really, lol! Yeah, I AM really lucky, and I try to not let myself forget it too often. The puppies have grown REALLY fast! They're already almost big enough to climb out of their tub! We have 'em named now: the boys are Lester, Jerry Luey, and Huey, and the girls are Rexie and Duey. (The deal w/ 'Jerry Luey' is because I'd already named him jerry, but then I named the black girl Duey, and that gave my Mom the idea to call the 3 black puppies Huey, Duey, and Luey, like the 3 ducks from Disney. I still call him Jerry, though, so we settled on Jerry Luey because it sounds like Jerry Lewis. *shrugs and grins* I know, we're strange, lol!)

I hope you can get on LJ sometime soon; I think you'll really like my 2 latest entries! One's a funny Random Insanity Episode that I spontaneously wrote (XD), and the newest one is this really nice free-verse poem I wrote called "The Lord is With Us'. I think you'll enjoy them both.

Welp, hope to talk to ya soon, FBG! God bless! ^^


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