
Apr 09, 2005 12:16

i enjoyed my first power hour last night and i was pretty proud of only missing maybe 4 shots total. mike made a wonderful cd and was the proud only guy at alyssa's as we pregamed. megan's friend becca game, which was nice because i like her the most out of megan's friends. alyssa, mike, carrie, pinski, becca, megan, and i went to image after and it was terrible as expected. no one from our school so we left after a little while and hung out at krista's. i got my ass slapped many times so now it's numb. i woke up thinking i was blind but at least it wasn't the time when i woke up and i thought i had died and was in heaven.

my car is officially fixable although the insurance company is very likely to blame everything on me. which sucks big time but at least i don't have to replace LaFawnduh. she is a trooper.

oh yeah i forgot to say how much fun i had at carenya's in dc last week. i had THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS much fun. especially at the ethnic diversity night celebration, by that i mean a party that was 3 parts white guys, maybe 10 parts white gurls and the rest were towel heads and nates. SO FUN! do it again cren!!!

ps i know your reading this...SO STOP IT MKAY!!!

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