Who: Sylar, Jaime
Where: Starting outside DMs caves, moving to the residential area
When: late morning, shortly after Fenrir's appearance in DM
Rating: Hard R for potential squicky violence
Invasion: At your own risk
Cave of Forgotten Dreams Post
Potential squicks: Brain removal/ingestion, general physical torture, character death
Status: Closed/Finished
Summary: Sylar casually saunters out into what might be DauphinMare, though he's not really picky about the where so much as the who. He immediately goes out to search for someone whose powers he can scarf and lucks out when he runs into Jaime. Playing innocent, he makes small talk with Jaime while he assesses what she has that he might want. They head down to the beach, where he demonstrates his 'levitating' for her before beginning to crush her windpipe and split open her forehead. He gives her a moment for any last words, but seeing as how she has none, he crushes her windpipe completely and cracks open her skull, letting her ragdoll to the ground as he drops her entirely. Before going to consume her essencs, as it were, Sylar gives a fleeting thought to returning to Riverfell to let them know what's over here.
Sylar ambled casually out of the cave, still crotchety as all get out. Fenrir was nowhere to be seen, but he didn't worry too much about that. He'd catch the bastard later and oh so kindly request his payment. In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to look around a bit since he was here anyways. After all, hadn't Nenael suggested he check out the caves? What if they did lead to DauphinMare? And what if DauphinMare had residents with mutations?
Sylar grinned in a not entirely pleasant manner and began to head in the direction of where he figured the township might be. Bigger populations meant a greater chance of someone whose power he could steal. Of course, if he happened to run into someone else in the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to throw a little havoc their way, woud it?
"Come out, come out wherever you are..." he called softly, chuckling as he neared some buildings.