Who: Fenrir, Sylar
When: Midmorning
Where: in or around the barracks
Rating: PG-13 for crassness, NOT A SQUICK POST
Status: Closed/completed
Summary: Fenrir explores the caves and finds a wall he can't get through, behind which he hears laughter. Determined to get through, he leaves the caves in the hopes of recruiting someone. In a lucky coincidence, he finds Sylar melting rocks and asks if he can melt a bigger one. When Sylar agrees, Fenrir leads him to the cave. They manage introductions, and Fenrir manages to answer why he wants the wall melted, but that's about all the conversation the overeager werewolf can manage. Once Sylar melts the wall, they both go through ... dun-dun-dun.
He'd had nothing else to do. Nothing of interest. Writing in journals didn't interest him, and killing natives was only fun for a bit before it became routine.
So he'd gone down to explore the caves. His nose had guided him well, and he hadn't even considered he might have gotten lost. He'd roamed for most of the morning, until he heard something.
Laughter. More importantly, children's laughter. Older children, perhaps, teens, but still children. Better than the lot they had here. He'd run around a bit more, seeking a way through, but no path he saw led to the other side of the wall ... and his clawing and kicking had proven ineffectual against the stone.
So he had to go find someone who could get through a stone wall.
Exiting the caves, he started toward the barracks. It was most likely he'd find someone there.