Who: SiN
Where: Castle, their room
When: Later Afternoon
Rating: PG
Summary: Nenael gets in from a long day of seconding, and the pair briefly discuss his day. New arrivals come up, and the angel mentions he's seen Peter Petrelli, setting Sylar off. They discuss the younger Petrelli brother and his ability (and possible troubles) before Nenael decides he should go tell Dami, and warns Sylar that he might have to talk to him as well. Sylar is nonplussed, but what can he do?
Sylar was done with his prowling about the halls staking out the newcomers, and had retired to Nenael's room, stretching out on the bed and closing his eyes. It wasn't hard work tromping about the castle, but he'd gotten bored and a nap had sounded like a good idea, so he'd taken over the bed while he was waiting for his angel to return. Stretching, he yawned and sprawled a bit further, taking up more than his fair share of the space.