Who: Dora, Iridia, Saul
Where: Lakeside
When: midmorningish
Rating: R
Invasion: sure
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: Saul comes upon Isadora as she's searching the lake for useful plants (though the one she found turns out to be useless). When he asks why, she lies and says she's searching for ingredients for a salad. They chat a bit on the shore before deciding to create a lounge.
They get as far as finding an empty room and discussing ways to claim it before Dora invites him to join her on the bed. Things (eventually, after a little encouragement from a storm) lead to nice places that involve removal of clothing.
After, Dora expresses her desire for a repeat performance, and he agrees he'll try if he can escape Lizzy. Dora plots to concoct a poison to render the girl mute, though she says nothing about this. The two reluctantly part company, and Dora prepares for Iridia's lecture - the man doesn't even have a dæmon, after all.
Isadora's pants were rolled up above her knees, and her shoes were resting on the lakeshore behind her. Iridia was stretched out on the sand near the water, his head resting on one curled paw. "It wouldn't kill you to get your paws wet," she called softly over to him.
"You can't wade in any further than you are without swimming," he lazily called back. "Besides, all the plants are closer to the shore," he continued before he lifted his head to glance around again.
People would likely be about, soon, and he sighed. More days gazing at people with no dæmons and pretending it was all right. He supposed he was getting used to it though ... disturbing as that was.
Isadora laughed quietly, though she supposed he had sound logic. She moved close enough to him that the strain of distance between them wasn't so distracting, and she continued to browse through the lakeplants, in case there was something worth her attention.