(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 22:03

Long time, no update! Work, work, and more work. I just got back from seeing PotC: Dead Man's Chest (finally). I guess I only update after I've seen a movie.

It sucks to be brown.

Any color other than a sun-kissed tan, really. Every single character in the movie of a non-white persuasion is either a cannibal, witch doctor, or dead. Fuck the what?

We are first reintroduced to Captain Jack and his crew while they are held captive on an island full of cannibals. Said cannibals have, of course, made Jack into their god.

While Jack is plotting his own escape, his crew* is divided into two sections, and all the non-white characters die.

But it's totally cool, because they were treacherous. Really.

The entire cannibal ‘escapade’ was wholly unnecessary. No plot elements were introduced, no new characters, no nothing. Just some silly chase scenes courtesy of those wacky natives.

The first twenty minutes of the movie left such a bad taste in my mouth that I don't honestly think I can give a fair critique of the rest of it. Just...ugh.

*This time around, sans Anamaria. My problem isn't just the cliché representation of minorities in the PotC franchise. I also have a HUGE problem with the fact that there was already this fully realized, unique, and three-dimensional character in place, and they didn't so much as mention her in the sequel. The stupid parrot came back, but not the black gal**.

**Actually, Zoe Saldana is Dominican, but I don't know that Disney could tell the difference.
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