(I'd like to take you inside my head ;; I'd like to take you inside of me)

Oct 14, 2007 00:16

alli_everyday I GOT YOUR PACKAGE! ::squeals & launches self at you for a great big hugging:: Thank you so so much for all of the lovely things you sent me - STICKERS! & lipgloss & pretty pens & everything else! ::huggles:: Thank you sweetpea!

& if I may, I'd like to wave hello & give lots of hugs to my new friend spacemonkeyluvn, who made quite a few of the pretty Daniel icons I'm using, including the 'Pie?' one, which I ♥! Hey there sweetie! ::hugs & give YOU pie::

::twirls around:: So! Today was the monthly SF Browncoats meetup, i.e, what I look forward to every month, so YAY! & a good time was had by all. elite brought by lots of awesome things she was selling, including my new green wings & my pretty Chinese character stamps! I ♥♥♥♥ my new wings - they're big & green & they get glitter EVERYWHERE. They're definitely my new special occasion wings! ::flutters&flaps:: Anyway, I had a fabulous time as usual, met a few new people (wheeeeee new Browncoats!) & um, I think that's about it. ::giggles::

I'm currently looking on Etsy.com at all of the corsets & such for sale - I think I'm going to eventually buy myself a real corset, since I've wanted one for a while now. I just need to find one that fits & that I can kind of afford. Here are some of the ones I was looking at.

Blue satin corset with feathers - O THIS ONE IS SO PRETTY! It's very can-can dancer-esque & I love the shade of blue! & possibly, I could afford it.

Custom Civil War corset - this one is the one I may cave & get, because it's the most practical (eeeek, that awful word!) & because it reminds me of one I've seen Melora Creager of Rasputina in. (Melora's corsets are so pretty!) This one I could wear with my jeans or under a coat & the price is quite nice. My only quibble is that it's so plain looking! But I could be satisfied if I got it in black, I think.

Deep red silk embroidered Strumpet wearable art corset - I think I'm in love with this one! I WANT. BAD. If I wore that I don't think I'd feel ugly for a second!

Black floral corset - O my god. If I saved my money for a few weeks, I could easily buy this one! It is possibly the sexiest article of fashion I have ever seen & I seriously think I may buy it. It's so. beautiful. I think even I could pull it off!

Steel Boned Corset Grey Cotton w/Black PVC trim - This one I like, but I'm not too sure about - it looks a little too fetish-y for this girl! It is pretty though & the price is very reasonable for me, but I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable wearing it outside! ::giggles::

Plastic Boned Lavender Brocade Corset - This one is really nice & a very good price too! Though I'm not sure if it would fit me - it says it can be made for 32A-36C sizes & I'm, well, I'm a bit bigger than that, but I might be able to wriggle into it!

Sweet Corset - That is just the CUTEST thing ever! It's so sweet & adorable, it's almost Sweet Lolita-style, in a way.

White Corset - this one's simple, but I do like it.

Sparkle Corset - I like this one! It's sexy but not too over the top, I think.

& though this isn't a corset, I WANT IT ANYWAY OMG: Vintage black slip - okay, that would make a PERFECT dress. I don't know how it would look with wings though - I think it may look kind of silly, but maybe I'm wrong?

& this one's silly & cute & I thought lost_little_nat would like it: Ice Cream Bustier Corset - a corset/bustier made from ice cream print fabric! How cute is that?! I wouldn't wear it, but awwww, it really is the cutest thing ever!

& elite, I think you may like this! When I saw it, I immediately thought of you! (& OMG, how much do I love everything in that shop?!)

& HUZZAH, Ashley (paw_tracks) let me play the Icon Meme game!

Comment and I'll pick seven of your icons, and then you will explain why you love/are using the icon (who doesn't love talking about their icons, seriously) and then post your explanation/this meme in your journal for other people to squee about their icons, and basically it will be a huge squeefest of love and 100x100 square pixels.

I am SO down with that!

So, she picked these beauties out!

Keywords: daniel jackson ;; fuckfuckFUCK!
This is my icon for moments when I'm so pissed off I can barely speak. (YES, IT HAPPENS!) It's also one of my favourite Daniel scenes from one of my favourite episodes, namely One False Step - I ♥ watching Jack & Daniel bitch at each other! ::giggles::

Keywords: miscellaneous ;; kitty's rockin' out!
HEE! I love this icon - it's sort of an in-joke for me & lost_little_nat because we are crazy, CRAZY girls & like insane things. She also came up with the keywords! It's also my icon for music posts, random comments or just making people smile or go O_o when they see it. ::hugs dancing kitty::

Keywords: miscellaneous ;; dangerous angels
This was made just for me by fireflyfailure. I use it when I leave a more serious comment.

Keywords: sam carter ;; samgasm!
Ah, I like this icon. It's the one I use in moments of extreme Sam-related flail. Isn't she pretty?

Keywords: lya ;; beautiful peace ;; spacefae
I ♥ this icon because I ♥ Lya so much. The Nox are one of my favourite alien races on SG-1 & Lya is just so pretty & peaceful & dreamy - she's true spacefae! I'm actually using this as my MSN icon right now. Lya♥♥♥♥

Keywords: radek zelenka ;; dorks can be heroes

Keywords: sam carter ;; writers are fired

& those were my icons!

I found out last night that Emilie Autumn's Opheliac - the double disc version & several of her other albums - are available on iTunes. Whee! Lucky for me I haven't spent all of my gift cards yet!

& now I think I'm going to return to corset/crinoline/tutulike skirt hunting, buy some music on iTunes, drool over that fucking beautiful goddess-worthy corset some more & maybe comment & read some Jack/Daniel! ::spins all around & makes little bubbly hearts a la Delirium::

& if I do get around to making my Daniel mix? This song will most likely be on it.

delights: music, delights: shopping!, delights: san francisco browncoats, sundaymondaygirl, livejournal: ::welcomes new friends::, livejournal: memes, delights: girlishness

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