(that's what the movies show, this is where stars go)

Oct 01, 2007 01:05

O, GOD. Today has been a mix of a day from hell (thanks, motherfucking allergies!) & a day of actually slightly cool stuffs!

But first, because apparently, my brain loves me, a very odd pair of dreams I had.

Okay! So, this dream is CLEARLY a byproduct of my Stargate fangirling as of late/the fact that I mercilessly teased lost_little_nat with the yummiest Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks caps I could get my hands on. (SEE TASHI? KARMA GOT ME IN THE END.)

Well, anyhow, my dream started out with . . . dammit, I don't even remember how it actually started out, but I do know that yasolo was in it at some point & that somehow, I got from some cool looking rec building in my neighborhood to what was supposed to be part of the SGC & apparently it was haunted by the ghosts of former presidents & they called in Daniel to deal with them. I was lucky to be allowed to actually help him (& this other kid . . . dammit, I lack the memory of what his name was . . .) because I had seen the ghost& also because I think I sucked my way up into being allowed to help & it was thought that I could be of some use.

So we set off to go ghost-finding, & I was SO SCARED EVERY SINGLE TIME I CAME INTO CONTACT WITH ONE. I would like, SCREAM for help & generally be a little wuss, (which I would SO NEVER do in real life) & one of my team would come & get me. (how EMBARRASSING IS THAT?)

Then my dream cut to the three of us in this room that had a stargate in it & was also located underwater - meaning that the room itself was dry & fine, but when you looked outside, you'd see that the area of the building we were in was underwater, if that makes sense - & we were carving symbols into a block of wood we each had & we were going to use them as tools of some sort in fighting against the ghosts. The other kid was carving symbols into his & I asked Daniel if I could just carve my initials into the wood - "Dr. Jackson, can I just carve my intials into the wood? They spell out 'era'." (this is actually true - my initials DO spell that) & Daniel said that I had to carve the symbols into the wood for a reason, but he was extremely nice about it & even did it for me - "No, you actually have to use the symbols, but I know what you mean, I tend to be wordy myself." So he took the block of wood & carved a whole little note into it for me!

- 'Hello Elizabeth, this is Dr. Jackson carving this into the wood for you because I know how sensitive you are about your hands - it's been great fun to work with you! Dr. Jackson.'

(I'm not sure WHAT to make of that, but um, okay?)

So, after that, we had another ghost appear to us in the room (I first thought it was Jack, but it was Landry, I think) & then we found out that the whole room we were in was going to be stripped & gutted & that the whole building was flooding & that everyone was being evacuated. So Daniel just grabbed a bunch of stuff off the desk & ran into a back room & we followed suit & snatched our things off the desk & ran in behind him. (I had a Hello Kitty notepad & some stickers!) Apparently we weren't leaving like everyone else & we were going to hide in there, even if the rest of the building flooded. Then I pointed out that if we were staying, we'd have to block off the tiny space between the door & the floor & I offered one of my shirts for the job & Daniel got kind of picky about that, saying that we'd need a certain length to properly keep the water out & I yanked up the shirt I was wearing & said 'I've got three layers on, can we use one of them?' Daniel finally said we could use the shirt I had on over the other two & I said okay & made him & the other kid turn around while I got it off, even though there really wasn't a need to - I DID have two shirts on UNDER it - but Daniel was a gentleman & turned around. (awww!) Then I was suddenly dressed much like Sam Carter in her fatigues & all, & I suddenly pointed out that even if we drowned, Daniel could ascend & save us all. (my brain is REALLY odd) Then the three of us started ping-ponging back & forth about that plan, when I got down on my knees, grabbed Daniel by the leg & said "I can help. I'm part psychic," then the other kid was all, "Cool!" & Daniel was all, "What can you do?" & I said "well, I have dreams that come true & I know what people are going to say before they say it." Then, I saw that someone was moving around near a second door in the room & then the door opened & we were made to leave. However, just before we left, I told Daniel, "hey Daniel, burn that spout off - don't worry, it's made of napalm, it won't explode!"


So then, everybody started running out of the building because it was going to blow up & suddenly, I was on the same block that my house was on & I heard that my old high school had blown up & I freaked out because Daniel had stayed behind in the building, so I dragged my mother up there to find out if he was still alive. & my dream ended happily because yes, he was & he was dressed as a state trooper, a la Sam & Dean in The Benders. YAY HAPPY ENDING!

UM. My dreams are freakin' EPICS, aren't they? Crack!epics, I think.

& my second dream wasn't really that interesting - I was this hot Ukrainian chick with an accent who seduced Patrick from A Dog's Breakfast. ::facepalms:: But he gave me butterfly hairclips! & um, yeah. Then I dreamed he got it on with Nicole Richie of all people (UM EXCUSE ME WTF BRAIN?) & LIKED IT.


So yeah, that would be my cracked out dream installment of this entry. (you all must think I'm quite mad now, no?)

& now for my day!

Um, basically, it consisted of my mother dragging me through the PITS OF HELL in order to buy a fucking vacuum cleaner at Bed and Bath and Beyond. (we had to go through the South of Market district of the city, which kind of makes me uncomfortable) Also, because she had failed to hear about it, it happened to be during a fair devoted to bondage/kink/leather worship (is that the right word for it? I'm rather ignorant of these things!). Now, I have no problem with any of this, whatsoever, but walking through a HUGE fair of it when I hadn't expected it was kind of a shock.

& there were a great deal of naked people there. Um yeah, a lot. (I got over it quickly) There was even a guy wearing leather underwear & go-go dancing in a cage held up by a crane.

I did see a stall that was selling whips of all shapes & lengths & sizes & I sort of wish I could have gone back to look at them - it's something I've never seen before, OKAY? ::curious!Betsybop::

I have to say, it was actually an interesting sight & I wish I could have seen more of it. Of course, I probably would have appreciated it a HELL of a lot more if I hadn't been walking in a motherfucking haze of fucking USELESS DRUGS THAT DID NOT HELP MY ALLERGIES WHATSOFUCKINGEVER. I was a sniffly, teary, disoriented, thirsty MESS & OMG, NOT. FUN. Plus, it was HOT. HOT. & we got lost & I turned into Rodney McKay a few times. ::blush::

& of course, by the time we finally got there, I was seriously on the verge of collapse, I felt so awful. I found one of those massage chairs & just laid in it for an hour. (it was a shiatsu one - pretty cool, but it hurt on a few different settings) I had a SEVERE headache which may have been a migrane, actually & my head was just THROBBING & I couldn't look up because my eyes felt so sensitive to light & I was just a MESS.

Then we took a cab home & I slept from seven until eleven & my headache STILL hadn't gone away. But I took some Aleve & watched A Dog's Breakfast & ate some chips & now I feel lots better. ::hugs Aleve::

& I keep dreaming about Veronica Mars for some reason. Odd!

EDIT: Because I suck & forgot, I was tagged for this by chase_acow! YAY HAPPY MEME!

Rules are easy, just post 10 things that recently made you happy! Tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs.

(I so added one. heehee!)

1. Spamming lost_little_nat with delicious Michael Shanks/Daniel Jackson caps.
2. Watching SGA & squeeing over it with my flist! (I love you guys!)
3. Laughing myself into pain during A Dog's Breakfast.
4. Everything cupcakes ! !
5. Talking to my faeryprincess lost_little_nat for hours!
6. Daniel Jackson (of course!)
7. My pretty plaid skirt/double tank top a la Starbuck/sneakers&socks outfit.
8. Seeing volume seven of NANA at the bookshop (!!!)
9. Rereading The Sandman & falling inlove with Morpheus all over again.
10. Thinking about changing my name one last time to Sunday though I probably won't.

& I tag all of the sweet people I've recently met, so I can get to know you all better!

& guys? I know some of you watch Farscape & Battlestar Galactica & I was wondering if those of you that do would think that I may like them? I'm thinking of trying them out! (because I want to see how awesome girls named Starbuck & Aeryn Sun are!)

obsessions: a dog's breakfast, this girl is wacky, sundaymondaygirl, characters: daniel jackson, she: real life, life: this girl is wacky, livejournal: memes, life: dreams

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