The Big Damn Fannish Megapost

Jul 15, 2020 03:10

Stuff I get fannish over

Classic Doctor Who ⚛ Life On Mars ⚛ Age of Sail, specifically the Hornblower novels & films ⚛ Smallville ⚛ Firefly/Serenity ⚛ Sherlock (2010 usually) ⚛ Dead Like Me ⚛ Withnail & I ⚛ DCU/DCAU ⚛ Young Justice ⚛ Star Trek (the original series & the 2009 reboot) ⚛ Sailor Moon

There are numerous shows, books, films & such that I've been fannish about over the years, but the above are the most current & long-lasting ones. I drop in & out of them with varying degrees of intensity, but I love them all for the most part. I flirt with tons of shows & whatnot, sometimes flinging myself headlong into their fandoms, other times not. So the above is by no means an inclusive or complete list of what I flail over. My Tumblr (riverdresses, as always!) can always give you a good indication as to what's eaten my fannish little heart at any given time, however.


- I tend to avoid the new!Who fandom. I've seen it up through the specials, but the fandom that surrounds it often bothers me. I also prefer the classic series to the new series quite honestly.

- I have a ridiculous amount of love for the audios. Many a time an audio has caused me to flail, flop & squeak with joy, sadness, anger or WHAT WAS THAT OMG. The audios tend to be my happy place, especially if they involve the Eighth Doctor.

- The EDAs make my brain ache & my sides hurt from giggling at times. I read them for Eight, Fitz & Anji.

- I'm a very casual viewer of Smallville. I've seen all of series nine, some of series ten, & may one day watch series eight. I'm not going lower than that, however. I'm there for the Tess, Zod, Chloe, Lois & Oliver awesomeness.

- DCU-wise, I read/am catching up with/flailing over the Arrowfamily, the Flashes, Zatanna, JLA v3, Birds of Prey (the Gail Simone run to start with), Arkham Asylum (eternally), Black Canary, Huntress, Power Girl (FUCK YEAH KAREN STARR) & occasionally Supergirl. I'm also reading Batman: Year Two & Batman: Hush, along with way too many others to name. I also adore the DCAU likeomfg & have no problem fangirling it up down & sideways. Black Canary, Zatanna, Huntress & Power Girl are srs HBICs & for me, Green Arrow, the Flash & Red Arrow are my favourite BAMFs of the DCU. (YAY GINGERS!) I also have a hugely soft spot in my heart for Linda Park-West, Iris West-Allen & Lois Lane.

I'm not particularly down with the reboot, I have to say. No thankyou.

- I used to play in the Marvel universe. I don't any more, but I still know it for the most part.

- Crossovers are awesome. Doctor Who goes with everything. O, & so does Firefly. Well, mostly.

- The original Star Trek is my newest love, after many years of my friend sonicbookmark BEGGING me to see it. It reminds me of the classic series of Doctor Who at times! Jim Kirk is my fucking HERO.

- I recently started rereading the Sailor Moon manga & have fallen back in love with it. I'm making my way through the anime, yes, but the manga is so insanely richer than the anime ever was. To me, the anime just PALES in comparison.

- Crack is the driving force of EVERYTHING. Crack, capslock & .GIFs.

Theirloveisso . . .

One of my 2011 resolutions was to no longer have OTPs, but ship based on character. I did that before for the most part, but now I just apply it to all my future fandoms. Basically, if I love a particular character, I'll read just about anything featuring them if it sounds good. If I like it, I'll find more of the same.

I slash. I panship. I make couples, triangles, threesomes & whatever else interests me or makes me smile. I have my favourites, but I don't limit myself to them.

Fannish output

I used to write fic. I grew out of that, but I'm not above (very rare) comment fic or tiny snippets of things, not at all. My friends just do a better job of writing than I ever could, so I leave it to them.
I'd rather make fanmixes & occasionally add blurbs within the mix.

I also love reccing things. Reccing & linking is somehow a lot more fulfilling for me, which is pretty sad, I suppose, but it makes me happy & keeps everyone in porn & icons, so who can really complain? I used to make monthly rec posts, back when I was in larger fandoms. I'd like to try doing that again.

I used to try & make graphics. Now my graphics are limited to mix covers & very rare moodthemes.

I also love picspamming, though I don't do it as often as I'd like. I love picspamming my favourite characters, episodes, pretty people & ships mostly.

& lastly, I do love to RP. I don't get much of a chance to do it, it seems, but I always enjoy it when I do. I tend to play one or two characters period, but sometimes I include one or two more.


I love friending memes & I love hosting them!

Comment parties = ♥♥♥

I tend to lurk a lot, since I'm so shy.

- last updated 08/16/11
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