(It's all of the good that won't come out of us and how eventually our hands will just turn to dust

Dec 12, 2010 03:35

O, goodness! It's been so long since I've done one of these, but we have a linkspiral to share!

♥♥ It’s Time For Top Ten Sexy Geek Nominations!

Violet Blue's posting her yearly call for the sexiest geeks for 2011! I ♥ Violet Blue's blog; fun, sexy & informative about everything related to sex that you can imagine. Got a question about some obscure, shocking sexual act? Violet's the bird to ask about it! (& all of that should tell you that her site is really, really, not worksafe.)

♥♥ Anne Boleyn B Necklace - Gold-plated Edition

I just died when I saw this - ever since I was a young fourteen-year-old who was madly obsessed with the history of the Tudor dynasties & saw my first portrait of Anne Boleyn, I've coveted her beautiful B necklace. Since everyone calls me Betsy, I too can wear the B! (& here's the luxury edition!) Also, there's not just that, but there are replicas of so many pieces that were worn in The Tudors & not just by Anne - go look for your favourite wife! Not to mention all of the other goodies there, & the fact that the entire site is also a full resource about the lovely miss Anne Boleyn & her life. Go have a look!

♥♥ The anatomy of snowbirds

Here, have some Neil Gaiman looking like 'a Jewish ninja' & being wrapped up in a v. Four-esque scarf & actually looking quite like Four. ♥

♥♥ [untitled]

Skylark talks (not) writing down dreams.

♥♥ This Year’s Top Hot Sex Books for Gifting, Coveting

'My personal library has overgrown several six-foot-tall bookcases, and books are piled tastefully all over my flat. They are all very naughty books.'

O, so, shameless, lady Shelley . . . but what's winter without a bedwarmer for yourself? ::giggles:: Violet Blue does just what it says on the tin: suggests some of the sexiest books to gift for your holiday of choice! She covers nonfiction, short story collections & photo books. (Also, here is another v. saucy gift guide of hers just recently posted!)

♥♥ Logan White photography

A treasury of beautiful, sexy truly stunning photography I discovered via Violet Blue this week. Not worksafe at times, but definitely worth a full look around. I'm in love!

♥♥ We wants it - Radhost Complector

O, darlings! Like a round, holdable, magickal TARDIS! Go! Feast your eyes upon this!

♥♥ Leopard.

Carrie of WishWishWish has a new leopard coat - she looks perfectly Edie Sedgwick in her snaps! This would be the sort of leopard coat I want - the sort I can wear as a frock with black net tights, just as Edie did sometimes. ♥ Alas, the place she got hers from does not ship outside the UK & Ireland, otherwise I'd have looked at buying it for myself. Sob!

♥♥ Marie-Antoinette’s android: the dulcimer player

Don't you see a bit of Doctor Who fic in this item, sweetlings? It could be a bit to reminiscent of Girl in the Fireplace, but with the right writer, you never know . . .

♥♥ Dead Drops (vimeo)

'‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. USB flash drives are embedded into walls, buildings and curbs accessible to anybody in public space. Everyone is invited to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your laptop to a wall, house or pole to share your favorite files and data. Each dead drop is installed empty except a readme.txt file explaining the project. ‘Dead Drops’ is open to participation.'

This feels so sci-fi & yet, so . . . I can't quite find the word for it, but I can feel what the word means. The actual word just eludes me at the moment. But isn't this fascinating?

♥♥ Magical See-Through Doorknob

A bit space age, a bit magickal! Can you imagine how it would look if one side was dark & the other side of the knob was bright & lit up? It would feel v. Coraline-esque!

♥♥ Twenty Unique Bathtubs

Honestly, give me a pushable, moveable clawfoot bath & I would be the happiest lassie about. But nevertheless, some of these baths are just exquisite! I've actually seen one similar to the Evok bath when I was in Lake Tahoe one year! Alas, I didn't get to sit in it. O! ::pouty:: But I'm just in love with the Library Bath & its exact opposite, the La Scala Whirlpool bath! Which are your favourites?

I've a few other things to write about, one more real lifey, one fannish & one more ponderous, but I'll save them for a bit later. ♥

girlshapes: edie sedgwick, delights: linkspirals, sundaymondaygirl, girlishness

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