'I pickpocket him when he's annoying.'

Oct 31, 2010 03:42

Two-post deals for memes & actual life things from now on. ♥ That way, everything gets noticed!

& now, another meme! This time from vega_ofthe_lyre & I heart this one.

- Reply to this post with the words "BY THE HAMMER OF THOR" and I will pick six of your icons.
- Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
- This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

Keywords: s ↑ a city girl's smile
© extrasolar

I mostly try to only collect Smallville icons from series nine & ten, & maybe some from eight if they're of Tess, but I loved this one of Lois, even though I don't know what episode it's from. But I love her smile & the black scarf she's wearing. ♥ Lois.

Keywords: ☠ still chasing that permanent high
© silent_scream19

& now I bring you Mason's death! ::giggles:: This is Mason right after he drilled a hole in his head, hoping to get high off of it somehow, & well, you can imagine how that ended up.

Also, he's surprisingly cute in those goggles.

Keywords: w ↑ the art teacher
© icons_of_isis

I needed a Seven&Ace icon & I just adored this one. I've never seen this picture before, but I certainly liked how it sort of encapsulated Seven's role as a teacher for Ace.

(I actually have one of Four & Romana looking at the Mona Lisa in City of Death which sort of matches this one. I should upload it!)

Keywords: c ↑ then you are bewitched by reason
© purpleraindrops

There are no words for how much I absolutely love Sleepy Hollow & for how much I ♥♥ Ichabod Crane. In an issue of DWM, they said he would have made a perfect Doctor & I couldn't agree more. I want him & Katrina to meet Eight & Charley!! Eight would totally love talking with him & fussing about in his laboratory, don't you think?

Keywords: c ↑ I'm told you're a writer
© renestarko

One of my favourite films of all time. Marwood♥♥&hearts

Keywords: f ↑ there are no boundaries
© calapine

'If you were blind and there was no Braille/There are no boundaries on what I can feel'

- Bikini Kill, Feels Blind

I fucking love Romana II. Absolutely fucking love her. She is, without a doubt, one of the biggest inspirations to me - politically (definitely), in being brave & really, just in being the best I can. I think of Romana as sort of pre-riot grrrl sometimes, so she got keywords from one of my favourite riot grrrl bands ever. ILU ROMANA.

& I somehow have roughly three thousand words of drunken Mason/Daisy which I'm not sure is going to evolve into something very smutty, or something vaguely clean, but heavy on the depressing things. I'm amazed I even have three thousand words of something I can ponder the direction of, really. But it happened & I'm all, 'WAAAAAA' at how sad this seems to be getting. (I think I feel somewhat guilty at hurting Mason in this.)

Also, I like most of what I have so far. & I've only written them being drunk & sitting in his room. WTF I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE THE DRECK I WRITE WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.

I foresee this as getting a bit on the lengthy side, honestly.

& in other news, I got to see some of Sherlock tonight. This version of Sherlock is a serious BAMF & I fucking love him. ♥__♥ & his Watson is like a badass little elf - so cute & adorable, but you know he could cut you without hesitation. Or shoot you, as the case may be. But can I just say that Martin Freeman looks a fuck of a lot like John Simm? In dark lighting & if you didn't know one of them too well, you'd think they were either brothers or the same bloke. & they both have a little woodland creature thing going on - they look like bunny rabbits!

Also, MARK GATISS. FUCK YEAH. Along with SHERLOCK/JOHN, FUCK YEAH! But he's allowed to meet & sleep with Tess Mercer, 'cause she's as much of an HBIC as he is a BAMF. Together, they'd blow up the world. Or at least Metropolis.

obsessions: sherlock, sherlock's sherlock is a bamf, obsessions: dead like me, lovers: john/sherlock, livejournal: memes, lovers: mason/daisy

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