Alright everyone, this is it - the final recap of the great & mighty Troughton rewatch-athon. Tonight, we finish up with a story from the new series, believe it or not - the episode Midnight, which featured David Troughton in a supporting role, but one I'd say he did well with!
So here, we come full circle now - we started with his father as the Doctor, & we end with David back on Doctor Who, this time opposite David Tennant's Doctor!
- Ooo, sapphire waterfalls! ::swoons:: Can you imagine the sight of such a thing?!
- Mmm, fancy drinks for Donna & an anti-gravity restaurant! Awesome!
- TEN! NEVER SAY 'What could possibly go wrong?' BEFORE YOU GET ON AN AEROPLANE! In fact, you shouldn't say it at all, being the Doctor, really.
- HELLO DAVID TROUGHTON! ::waves excitedly:: & OMG.
nentari - I see what you mean about the moment when he looks just like his father! Quite a shock, I must say!
- Hmm. Is it just me or does Skye look a bit like an older Liz Shaw, but with more eye makeup? I think she kind of does, myself.
- Wow . . . four hours on that plane & I'd kill myself just to stop hearing all the noise.
- Ah, thankyou, Ten! ::pets the sonic screwdriver::
- Aww. I like how Ten's all, 'HEY, LET'S GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER THEN!' I wish I could do that.
- I have to admit, Ten has a point about travelling on one's own - it can be really liberating.
- Skye's girlfriend left her, Ten mentions Rose abstractly . . . yeah, this is an RTD story. Just sayin'.
- I swear, in one scene, David Troughton is not only channelling his father in look & style, but in voice as well - really! (the scene where he's going on about Midnight & all the facts of it)
- Hmm, here's Ten's ballsy 'Oh I'll just go in and muck about with everything without so much as a by-your-leave, thank you very much' little . . . quirk-thing of his.
- 'I'm a doctor, I'm very clever.'
- Wow. Midnight's a really beautiful place. It's so . . . glittery & shiny-looking. But it's all poisonous at once. Hmm. What a lovely little paradox, I think.
- When Ten yells 'QUIET!' at everyone, I half expected him to then yell, 'Fingers on lips!' like in Fear Her.
- I would like to say, that while I don't particularly like this episode, I do appreciate how claustrophobic it can make one feel at times.
- Also, I don't know how I'm getting through this episode - it's set ON A PLANE & it's having mechanical failures & there are THINGS onboard it - this will just make me even more panicky about getting on a plane now. Eeep.
- O, it's a Rose! Onscreen! But Ten missed her . . . alas. But he'll find her soon.
- O, mention of the Medusa Cascade!
- I do have to admit, on a non-claustrophobic level, this is a rather . . . well, disturbing story on some levels. It's extremely disconcerting to see how easily such a small group of humans could resort to murder & basic savagery & how fast they turn on the Doctor, even when he's trying to help & keep everyone calm. It's . . . it's pathetic on one hand, yet understandable, when everyone's so scared & fearful of what's going to happen next.
- Actually, I quite think the whole lot of them are rather idiots, save for maybe Professor Hobbes. It's another reason I never liked this story - just about all of the characters were just panicky imbeciles ready to kill what they don't understand.
- Okay, when Ten starts doing all the repeating, I get a bit disturbed. But watching David Tennant play a drooling, possessed maniac is rather interesting to watch.
- 'That's how he does it. He makes you fight. Creeps into your head. And whispers. Listen. Just listen. That's him. Inside.'
. . . for those who will understand what I mean . . . doesn't that sound a frighteningly fair bit like something from Zagreus?
- Hello there, David Tennant, all laid out in such an enticing position! ::waves girlishly::
- I do like the scene when Ten & Donna see each other again, & they don't speak, she just hugs him. I think it's a rather beautiful moment. & I don't mind the ending too much - it's quiet, soft & understated. A good ending to a rather chilling story.
Alright, it's confession time - I was really reluctant to recap this episode because it's not one of my favourites at all & because I can't stand the Tenth Doctor whatsoever. I find him more to be everything people say about Six - egotistical, self-centred & a bit of a jerk, really. But I was adamant on coming full circle as it were - beginning with Patrick Troughton's era & ending with his son's appearance in the new series, so I pushed myself to do this & not be a baby about it.
Okay, all of that said, it was really lovely to see David Troughton back in Doctor Who, though I wish he could have had a bigger part or just been in a better story altogether - he totally deserves another leading role in the series! I did like his character here for the most part - it's probably just me, but I thought Professor Hobbes was a bit Two-esque at times, but just in very small ways. But as I said, I could have just imagined that - & I probably did! ::laughs::
As for the story itself, it's alright, I would say. To me, it feels like RTD was trying to pull a Steven Moffat & couldn't really do it that well. I'd give this episode a C- because it was a good effort, a nice story if you like these kind, but I thought it could have been made a lot scarier by another writer - not necessarily Steven Moffat, either. It's no Edge of Destruction, which is a great story from One's era in the same style as this episode & I really like that one. It's much creepier in my opinion.
So - average episode, could have been better in my opinion, but also, it was a good break between the last three episodes of series four, which are so intense. But I feel that it's a story you need to really enjoy the new series & Ten to really enjoy, & I don't that much, if we're really honest.
So that's our final recap, ladies & gentlemen! Before I close this up with the last sentiments of mine, I just want to extend a huge thank-you to
nentari, who encouraged me to do this, has been the generator of some awesome conversations throughout my recaps & who sort of gave me all the tools I needed to launch this little adventure! & I'd also like to thank
stellastars for dropping in & generating some equally fab ideas & discussions between the two of us, as well as everyone who's commented, read & even lurked around in the shadows - it's been a blast, folks & I thank those of you who stayed with me for all of this! ♥♥♥
& I'm going to miss doing these, actually! It was a lot of work, but it was a ton of fun & I'm really glad that I did it - I can now say that I've officially seen & listened to all of the Second Doctor's era & well, that I might have just earned a degree in Two-ology, if you will! ::laughs:: I've had the best time doing this & maybe one day, I'll think of doing a second rewatch-athon for another Doctor. But that wouldn't be for a looooong time - I'm taking my time off now & catching up with all the serials I haven't seen yet, plus, getting more Six serials!
But, while this is the last of my recaps, it isn't quite the last of the celebrations! I've got a couple more things to share before the end, mind you. ::beams::
Previous recaps
The Dalek Invasion of EarthThe Time MeddlerThe War MachinesThe SmugglersThe Tenth PlanetThe Power of the DaleksThe HighlandersThe Underwater MenaceThe MoonbaseThe Macra TerrorThe Faceless OnesThe Evil of the DaleksThe Evil of the Daleks - audio versionThe Tomb of the CybermenThe Great Space Elevator (Victoria's Companion Chronicle)
The Abominable Snowmen - audio & serialThe Ice Warriors - audioThe Enemy of the World - audio & serialThe Web of Fear - audio & serialFury From the Deep - audioThe Wheel in Space - audio & serialFear of the Daleks (Zoe's Companion Chronicle)
The DominatorsThe Mind RobberThe InvasionThe KrotonsThe Seeds of DeathThe Space Pirates - audio & serial The War GamesSpearhead From Space*
The Curse of Peladon*
The Three DoctorsThe Five DoctorsThe Two DoctorsHelicon Prime (Jamie's Companion Chronicle)
(* = bonus story)