(ideas that you'll never find all the inventors couldn't design)

Apr 24, 2009 01:54

Father just left & the barbarian, as I quite frankly think of my mother now, is asleep. After ignoring me for a day & a half, she deigned to make me an early supper & have it ready when I came home. How cute. [/sarcasm]

(I really have nothing to say to her now. Nothing. I don't care if she's upset by my ignoring her either. After dishonouring me in such a savage manner, among other things, she can hop in a lake.)

& now! For a break, here are a few lovely links I gathered today & I thought some of you darlings would enjoy them!

my eight/charley mix!

(go, go see! & leave me a shiny comment, perhaps? o, please?)

space tastes like raspberries. true, in fact.

(I ♥ the things Neil Gaiman shares on his blog. & I would love a copy of Who Killed Amanda Palmer. Her album was terrific!

& because the original article was just too fascinating:

rum. raspberries. ice&mint. make up the taste of this galaxy.)

a beautiful photo set inspired by alice in wonderland & perhaps a few other faerytales!

(I want to do something like this, really. But maybe not an Alice-inspired shoot - more like a Classic!Who inspired shoot, or perhaps another faerytale of choice!)

100 ideas

A sample:

6. Glue an envelope into your journal. For one week collect items you find on the street. 7. Expose yourself to a new artist, (go to a gallery, or in a book.) Write about what moves you about it. 8. Find a photo of a person you do not know. Write a brief bio about them. 46. Write in your journal using a different medium (brush & ink, charcoal, old typewriter, crayons, fat markers. 54. Cut out all media for one day. Write about the effects. 55. Make pencil rubbings of six different surfaces. 64. Physically alter a page. (i.e. cut a hole, pour tea on it, burn it, fold it, etc.) 67. Record descriptions or definitions of subjects or words you are interested in, found in encyclopedias or dictionaries.


astronomy picture of the day - april 22nd

(I ♥ APOD. I like to save the pictures to my hard drive to keep them to look at later & for graphics & things. In this case, it would be for an Eight/Charley or Jamie/Victoria fic prompt! It's too beautiful & alien for me not to use.)

albums for every moment by penelope bat!

(I'm a firm, firm believer in having a soundtrack for one's life. Or more appropriately for this LJ, I'm a very firm believer in having a lot of track fives in one's life! I love her suggestions; I've only heard of a few of them! The way she described the first one reminded me of the Eighth Doctor, actually. Teehee!)

miniature teacups & teacakes to adorn your lovely necks with!

(I've already fallen in love with the pink teacup & tea kettle necklace. I dream of having fullsize teacups like that to have my tea in, but I'd settle for wearing one around my neck! Wouldn't you? & o, how I want this locket!!)

astronomy picture of the day - april 23rd

(I have it open in its full size in another tab. This one will also be a fic prompt, I do believe! It's just spectacular. O, I wish I could travel in space & see these beautiful things for myself, I really do. If I were a companion of the Doctor's, I'd probably do nothing but sit in front of the open TARDIS door & stare at the stars & constellations & planets of every galaxy we visited or passed through.)

penelope bat's weekly wishes!

I want to know what you're wishing for, teacakes.


I'm wishing for . . .

. . . my beautiful view in my father's flat in my beautiful blue room, warm spring weather perfect for going swinging in everyday, cherryblossoms floating in a gentle breeze & landing in my windblown hair, new & beautiful underthings, fruit ices, lovers in many different cities, Hello Kitty picnics in the rose gardens here in Golden Gate Park, no more capital letters for a bit, strawberry patterned dresses, running barefoot in the woods & climbing trees, Byron & Shelley to be my lovers both, more tea, & lastly, for all of you darlings to know how properly delightful you are, & to believe in more than just the ordinariness that surrounds you.

& now, an interest meme from vega_ofthe_lyre! (o, I do so love these kinds of memes!)

Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.

o1. eight/charley

Eight/Charley. O, please, tell me what there isn't to love about an time-travelling, self-styled, romantic Edwardian-era dandy & a fierce, bold, Edwardian adventuress who became friends, & eventually, fell in love with each other? I have so many facets of their relationship that I love, but one of them is how they're friends first, then they fall in love, slowly & gradually & how neither of them is obsessively clingy or constantly screaming 'I LOVE YOU!' at each other. They can bicker on occasion, be very headstrong & get themselves into trouble quite often, both of them, but their friendship & their love for each other is very real & very, very solid. When you're willing to die for someone, when you follow them into another dimension because you can't bear the idea of living without them . . . that is solidarity right there.

I would almost say that their relationship is rather faerytale-esque, but in a darker context - Charley is technically dead, after all, but by saving her life, Eight made her a paradox in the Web of Time that he himself had to die to repair, so she could live. He wouldn't let her die; he would have let himself die for her. He tells her exactly that, even. & in turn, after he became infected with anti-time & became Zagreus, she was determined to save his life, even when Romana said they would possibly have to kill him. & while I say that their relationship (as friends or lovers) is faerytale-esque, it is far from Charley being helpless & Eight coming to her rescue at every moment - no way in hell. Charley's saved his life on more than one occasion, risking her own, being ready to die to save him. She can take care of herself, she can fight back, she can help Eight, not just wait for him to save her all the time. That's another aspect of what I love about Charley, but eek, that is for a different time!

o2. may/december love

May/December relationships are generally defined as a relationship where an older man ('December') is involved with a younger woman ('May'). I saw it described once as the man being in the 'winter' of his life & the girl being in the 'summer' or 'spring' of her life, which I like. Some people think these are really taboo relationships, sometimes even scandalous, but I don't see them as so. I see both parties as being able to learn from each other in different ways. I've not been in one myself, but in truth, all the men (& some of the women) I've fancied, are considerably older than I am - one, in fact, lived about two centuries before I was even born. I feel that when the match works, a May/December relationship can be very beautiful & loving. It certainly doesn't have to be as cheap or tawdry as some unenlightened people would make it out to be! (& it's disgusting when they do, frankly. Personally, I would rather have a relationship with someone ten years older than myself if I can have long discussions with them, feel like they can understand me & accept me for who I am, flaws, fuckups, truths & all, than date someone my own age who can't or barely can, understand a damn thing about me as the person I am.)

o3. the sandman

The Sandman graphic novels were the first thing I ever read by Neil Gaiman, when I was about fifteen or so. I'd heard a lot about it, but I'd never read any of them before. When I did start reading them, I just fell in love with every single story. They were frightening, thought-provoking, funny, sad & amazingly detailed. To me, each collection & story are like a very intricately strung piece of jewelry. I can't even think of any I'd call filler stories in the series - they're all amazing in their own right.

Also, I adore Morpheus, Death & Delirium. Morpheus & Delirium are the ones I can actually relate the best to, & the ones who always make me feel like creating something after I've read about them. It should come as no surprise then, that my favourite collection is Brief Lives & that's the one I brought with me when I first met Neil Gaiman in person. It's one of my most treasured possessions, honestly. My favourite collection, signed by one of my biggest inspirations. That night is a very dear memory to me as well.

o4. percy bysshe shelley

O, Shelley. O, I don't even know where to start with him, I really don't . . .

Well, the beginning is good, so there will do.

When I was three, my mother gave me one of my first books ever, which was Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. I loved it as soon as I finished it & it has always been a favourite book of mine, out of all of them. The story fascinated me, frightened me & the story behind how it came to be awed me, because Mary was only nineteen when she wrote it.

Nearly eleven years later, when I was in my first miserable year of highschool, I happened across a small volume of work by her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley. I was immediately captivated by his poems, my favourite at the time (& still being) Hymn to Intellectual Beauty. That same year, I read his novel Zastrozzi (I hope I spelled that properly!), which he wrote & published at eighteen & I thoroughly enjoyed it. (though I still prefer his wife's literary landmark - shh!)

I also came to love him as a person, because I related terribly - almost frighteningly - well to him. I felt a kinship with him, actually. Granted I may not have understood all of what I was reading in his poetry at the time, but as a person, I related to him very much. I still do, having recently finished two biographies about him, one a mammoth of a life's story (Percy Bysshe Shelley: A Biography by James Bieri; I highly recommend it. It's incredibly detailed & absolutely riveting for over five hundred pages), the other a more poetic, unconventional sort of biography (Being Shelley by Ann Wroe, also very highly recommended - it's informative & incredibly beautiful).

He lived only twenty-nine years, having drowned in a boating accident in Italy, but his body of work - prose, poetry, drama - is scintillating. He is a very deep inspiration to me, as the person he was, & as the artist he was. He's why my last two names are what they are - the full name I chose for myself is Saffron Elizabeth Leigh Shelley - Shelley for him, Leigh for his friend & fellow poet Leigh Hunt, whom he was actually returning from a visit from when his boat became caught in the storm that caused his accident. I'm not particularly familiar with Leigh Hunt's work, but I thought it a lovely name & a fitting one to precede my chosen surname with.

After they recovered his body, they cremated it on the beach, & Mary Shelley was given his heart (or it could have been his liver, but I'm fairly sure it was his heart), which she kept for the rest of her life. When she died, it was buried beside her, I believe. He himself is buried in Italy, I believe, possibly next to John Keats, but I'm not sure about that bit. One day, I plan to make a pilgrimage of sorts to his gravesite & The Keats-Shelley House in order to pay my respects to him.

Also two things:

i. Some of you may know part of his poem Ozymandias, because Alan Moore quoted part of it in Watchmen. I was slightly floored when I turned the page & found Shelley's words looking back at me!

ii. The one I mentioned in my second interest? It's him. I'm not ashamed to admit it, either.

o5. jack the ripper

I've been interested in Jack the Ripper & Ripperology since I was a mere lass. I don't know why at all, but the case has always intrigued me, as does the Lizzie Borden case. I love reading about both & watching documentaries on them, even though I myself have no ideas on what could have really happened in either. I read a fair bit on the subject when I was younger & I've also read Alan Moore's graphic novel From Hell (fucking amazing. I'd always meant to read Watchmen after that, but never got around to it until now) & I've seen the film version, which, while pretty & disturbing, angered me greatly by changing the entire history of the case around. Probably why I only saw it once or twice.

(to be honest, I find serial killers & the psychology behind them & their crimes very interesting. I just don't admit it much - people already think I'm mad, shouldn't give them a reason for them to think I'm going to hack them to death with an axe in their sleep!)

o6. "the _____ of rassilon"

Things of Rassilon amuse me something fierce. The more random & silly, the better! The typewriter of Rassilon! Never runs out of ribbon! The iPod of Rassilon! Never needs a recharge! The brandy of Rassilon! Gets you drunker faster than six shots of tequila! & when Eight started doing it in Zagreus, I lost it. In public, no less! The Hoover of Rassilon! The pants press of Rassilon! These pants never crease!

(but my favourite was in a description of Romana becoming President of the High Council - the assorted bling of Rassilon! OMG I LOVE IT. & IT'S SO TRUE.)

o7. inara-worthy bubble baths

Inara♥ I loved Inara. Even though River & Kaylee were always my first & second favourite ladies of Firefly, Inara was number three. She was refined, graceful, tastefully opulent, elegant & I loved what esteem her profession was held in. That she wasn't looked down on for being a companion except by Mal, but he was just jealous, bbs, but revered & in demand. After River, her aesthetics were my favourites in the series. I always, always wish I could have some of them in my room, but alas, I don't. So I settle for making my bubble baths as Inara-esque as they can be - hot water, lots of luxurious bubbles, oils, incense, tea & candles. I don't get to take them too often (because I'm always missing something!), but when I do, I love them opulent & sensuous. Like she would have them, I like to think.

nentari's encouraged me to write a spot of Eight & Victoria gen & a bit of Jamie/Victoria. O, you know, I'm actually quite excited about the idea of writing those two things. Also, it might be nice to write something that isn't smutty & cheeky for a change. Always good to flex one's skills beyond what one is comfortable doing. Of course, the Jamie/Victoria won't come for some time, but the Eight & Victoria could come sooner. I just need to see more things with her in them!

I'm also looking about for a new layout. I want a nice spring change.


& because . . . because, I'll just transcribe it here. You know, to save you the trouble of having to wait for a page load. ::whistles::

So, the question was from one of DWM In Their Own Words specials, the '87-96' one to be precise:

How did Sylvester McCoy measure up to Patrick Troughton?

"They were two very different kinds of actor. Sylvester came from a comic tradition, I suppose... He was a very funny man, whereas Pat was a sexy one. He was a sexy Doctor. Sylvester wasn't sexy. Some people say that you've got to be sexy on TV. Sylvester had other fine qualities, but he wasn't sexy. He wasn't Pat Troughton."

-Clive Merrison (Paradise Towers, Tomb of the Cybermen)

. . . . . I AM NOT ALONE. My smile, it is huge right now.

(though I must admit, I do find Sylvester McCoy quite sexy as well - both as the Doctor & now. & his voice . . . o, don't get me started, we'll be here until morning. But you're damn right I find Patrick Troughton sexy! I did from the moment I first saw The Mind Robber & I've not changed my mind once! & I'm quite pleased to see that I'm not the only creature who does so. ::twirls::)

So . . . would it be proper to contemplate the thought that I'm not alone here either? ::big innocent eyes::

and please stop calling me 'vic'!, fandom: soundtracks, , eight is erudite sex in velvet, lovers: jamie/victoria, literaryloves: percy bysshe shelley, livejournal: memes, obsessions: firefly, life: family, love your edwardian adventuresses, boyshapes: patrick troughton, boyshapes: sylvester mccoy, fun: links, obsessions: the sandman, characters: morpheus, boyshapes: neil gaiman, characters: inara serra, sundaymondaygirl, obsessions: doctor who, lovers: eight/charley

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