::beams merrily::
Today's post shall consist of the following things: smut, Doctor Who, smut, Doctor Who, dreams, the hot girls of Torchwood, a bit of Horatio Hornblower, wi-fi frustrations, memes, & Sunday Aeryn's adventures in life on falling asleep at four, then waking up at eight-thirty! (A.K.A known as the post of the massive LJ-cuts.)
So, dreams first, y/n/bunneh?
So after I fell asleep around four (after indulging in a bit of Two/Jamie porn; shush, I are addicted, okay?), I proceeded to have the oddest dream I've had in a while. I mean it was weird.
Apparently it was like one of the lost episodes of The Enemy of the World, only Zoe was in it too. Apparently Salamander had kidnapped all these people so he could start his own world & Two, Jamie & Zoe freed them all & brought them back to the TARDIS, which, apparently, was my apartment. As in, the whole place WAS the TARDIS. We hid everyone in my bathroom & Two told Jamie, Zoe & I to sleep in there & keep everyone safe.
So a thousand people are literally in my bathroom, & I'm trying to sleep, when Two heard a knock at the door. He told the three of us to keep quiet & look out for everyone, & I could hear him say, 'Victoria? But - but you're not supposed to be here!'
Zoe & I were hiding behind the slightly open door (or maybe I was Zoe? But she was there somewhere!) but all we heard were literally babbles & gurgles, not actual words. When the door was closed, Victoria was out in the hall, Jamie came out & Zoe & I were still in the bathroom with all the people. Two came back in, but his coat was all shredded up & he was acting most odd. When I asked what had happened, he was all 'I am not the Doctor. I? Am Salamander.'
& this is where it gets weirder . . . Jamie, Victoria & I all ran for the door, then suddenly I think . . . for lack of a better way of explanaition, my brain got transplanted into Victoria's head & so Jamie & Victoria-me were running for the door, Salamander right behind us. Victoria-me made it down to the lobby of my building & Jamie was behind us - me, rather, & I got out, but he didn't make it apparently.
So Victoria-me is running away, trying to get help & at one point, tried to climb up something to hide. Then the Joker showed up (seriously. Totally out of nowhere) & Victoria-me was begging him for help, but he was just saying that he was here for the free candy. So there was more running & asking passerby for help. But everyone was literally obsessed with candy & no one was giving any help out.
Then suddenly, Victoria-me was back in my apartment/TARDIS & screaming at my father something about how she'd rather die than end up like all of the poor people Salamander had made obsessed with candy & kidnapped. (I dream up a fierce Victoria, apparently!) Then Victoria-me was running down Geary Street (which is one of the longest streets here in San Francisco & goes all the way down to the sea) & saw Jamie, who was wandering around in a daze & didn't even know where he was.
Then there was more running. In flowerbeds all along the street & Salamander was following Victoria-me & Victoria-me was looking for Zoe & all the people that had been in the TARDIS. She found them, all crammed into a telephone box to hide.
Then . . . o, it's a bit fuzzy here, but apparently, Salamander recaptured everyone, including Zoe & Victoria-me, & stripped everyone of their memories & of their self-knowledge, so that everyone was just blank.
Then I actually started dreaming in binary code. As in, everyone somehow realised what had been done to them & everyone literally started falling into this big white nothingness & all of this binary coding & CSS coding popped up & there was a lot of screaming.
Then my mother woke me up.
I have no idea what any of the fuck that would mean, except possibly a) yeah, my crush on Salamander is totally there, b) my subconscious really liked The Enemy of the World, c) I shouldn't read CSS coding for WordPress blogs before bed & d) I still need more Jamie/Salamander porn.
Although I totally came out of that dream thinking, 'Hey . . . maybe Salamander should have sex with Victoria. That could be hot. & a way to fuck with Jamie's head a bit (I like companion angst, okay?) . . . WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING, I BARELY EVEN KNOW VICTORIA!'
(yes, I feel properly shamed. Mostly.)
My subconscious is . . . wrong.
Okay, now the rest of the post.
Smut, Eight/Charley, Plot bunnies & Violet Blue.
All of that is connected, I promise.
Anyway, as most of you know, I've been listening to Violet Blue's fabulous podcast
open source sex, (links to her podcast, but you can also get it on iTunes & no, I wouldn't call that link really worksafe.) where she does lectures on sex, occasionally reads erotica, interviews or talks with people who work in the sex industry, or similar things. It's a really great podcast, incredibly informative & also, of course, plenty sexy & unsurprising for me, inspiring! (her books are just as good, I promise. I love this woman like nobody's business, srsly.)
latest podcast (done last month on the twenty-second if you'd like to hear it & I highly do recommend it!) gave me a bit of an idea for a small bit of what I could make into Eight/Charley smut! Of course, it wouldn't be anything like the story she reads, but it would have slight inspiration from it. But with Eight/Charley sexing . . . I don't like it overly porny, for some reason. My mind just . . . it doesn't translate well & makes me feel off. Light, soft, romantic, gentle erotica for them? That's my cup of tea. (but no one ever writes any, sadly! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS FANDOM. WRITE MORE EIGHT SEXING!)
So, her podcast gave me an idea for something like that. I have the outline of it in my head . . . well, Eight's bit in it, but not so much Charley's, or if they even have sex in it. They could, & they might, but I haven't settled on it fully. But whatever it is, don't be expecting my usual style of smut! As I said above, it's all about the light, romantic, gentle stuff for them. (& there's also the light challenge of not making it all cheesy or Harlequin-esque - EIGHT & CHARLEY DESERVE MUCH BETTER & ARE BETTER THAN THAT.)
But my subconscious wants me to write something terribly porny for them. NO. ::slaps brain:: That goes under Zagreus/Charley, okay?
(anyone else with Eight, however? ANYTHING GOES. Yeah, anything. ::smiles::)
I'm thinking of making a moodtheme of the girls of (twenty-first century) Torchwood. I was going to just do a Gwen moodtheme, because I like Gwen, but I think a moodtheme of all the Torchwood gals would be even more fun! They're all win - Suzie, Tosh, Gwen & Martha. (yup, I'm counting Martha as a Torchwood girl - I wish she could be a full-time member!)
Also, I'm halfway through Lieutenant Hornblower. MY GOD, THE SUBTEXT. GETS THICKER EVERY PAGE. I need to get another two books. SOON. (I'd quote you a bit, but then you'd have two paragraphs worth of quotes & I haven't even FINISHED this instalment.
& lastly, my wi-fi connection has been rather poor these past two days. NOT FUN, OKAY. & Firefox no longer opens up for me, for some reason. I assume it's related to River's total lack of space & I hope it is.
& because I love the five things meme, I played it with
bornbackwards &
bornbackwards gave me:
1. River Tam
(hee, twice in the game!)
Well, I spoke of why I love River so greatly in my last post, but let me see if I can elaborate a little more. (if I repeat myself, I'm sorry, darlings!)
River Tam, among the other things I said of her before, really is another heroine to me, on a personal level. A personal level because, even though I have all of my brain, I do still have things wrong with it. Not severe things, mostly, but I have a fairly extreme chemical imbalance that is very hard to control, even with medication. It can be controlled, but it doesn't take a lot to bounce it out of place. But by the end of Serenity, when she's so much more sane & calmer, having faced her nightmares & own fears, she comes out of it a much stronger person. I try to do that, even though I still get scared, but I just try to push that away & be strong, like River. If she could do it, I can too.
& of course, River Tam is the original archtype for spacefae. Floaty, dreamy, lost in her own world & watching everyone else's from a distance, but being able to fight & be strong when she has to? That is what makes certain sorts, boy & girl, spacefae. So of course, she's a huge inspiration for me! (I named my zine after my obsession with her dresses, didn't I?)
2. The Fourth Doctor
Four was my first full exposure to Classic!Doctor Who, in the serial The Sontaran Experiment. I had originally only got it because at the time, my plan was to see all of Sarah Jane's serials when she was a companion, then move on to the Classic!Doctor/Master stuff. I never intended to get so deep into Classic!Who, but once I started, I couldn't stop - I wanted - & still want to - meet all ten Doctors properly & I only have Six & One to see before I can say I have met them all.
Anyway, Four.
When I first saw him, I wasn't sure if I was going to like him at first, actually - I was more squeal-y over Sarah being pretty & awesome, even though it's not one of the best serials she has. But as I watched it a few more times, then moved on to The Ark in Space, then Robot & further, I totally fell for him. In fact, Four replaced Ten as my Doctor. No lie, he actually did. Four is easily one of my favourites & I've loved all of his companions so far, even though I'm a little unsure on Adric still. I have the most serials of his & he's actually made it to my list of style & fashion icons!
I never intended to watch Logopolis, which was his final story, until I got it for Christmas. I still wasn't going to watch it, but then, I think around the time David Tennant announced he was leaving the show after the specials, I realised I was being a bit childish about all of this. The Doctor regenerates. It's part of who & what he is. & it's heartbreaking to see, but in the end, it happens. You can ignore it & live comfortably in denial, but that's not very mature.
So I watched it. & I only got a bit teary-eyed in the last few seconds before he regenerated. I think, in the end, it was easy to take because he was so calm about it.
'The end is here. But it has been prepared for.'
It was acceptance. & it was comfort. (watch all the Ten girls need that after he regenerates.) So I took it calmly, surprisingly.
& then he became Five. & I eventually wound up quite liking Five - I'd still like to see more of his serials!
3. Life On Mars
Erm, wait, sorry . . . anyhow, I started watching Life On Mars after I'd finished series three of Doctor Who. I'd heard about it & I thought it sounded good, so I thought I'd give it a go. I downloaded the first episode & I just LOVED it. All of it. & in the very first ep, I actually cried a bit! & if a show can make me cry in its first ep, it is GOOD. So I got more eps & I was totally digging the insanity of it all, plus, of course, Sam Tyler. ::hugs the little box of angst:: My favourite episode would have to be 1x02 because . . . well, Sam is lovely in it, in every sense of the word, it's wicked slashy (::waves the Sam/Gene flag::) & even before the credits start, you get to see Sam in a rather underdressed state. What's not to love?
& 2x08 broke me, totally. I cried. I CRIED, man. That scene . . . & those who've seen it will know just what I mean, is so painful, but it's also, somehow, very oddly . . . well, kind of hopeful, if he was so willing to do that for people who hated him by then, even when he could have just been in his own time & place. I think it's pretty powerful & I'll never forget the first time I saw it. (& incidentally, the song Life On Mars kind of makes me sad when I hear it now.)
I'm hoping to see Ashes to Ashes one day!
4. Stargate
As no specific show was given, LET'S TALK BOTH!
1a. Stargate SG-1.
The short version: After I'd seen Firefly, I'd sort of fallen in love with space cowboys. I'd seen Cowboy Bebop (the film, I've yet to see the anime), loved it like WHOA (Faye Valentine, do me now plz.) & I knew that a few of my Firefly-loving friends also liked the Stargate series, so I thought I'd give it a go. (I was also lured in by the hot guys & all the guns. Yes, I'm shallow, what of it?)
Stargate SG-1 was actually the second of the two series I saw - I started with Stargate Atlantis & loved it (more on that in a moment), but I like to know my fandom history. So I went back to where it all began & met one of my favourite characters in any of my fandoms, ever: Dr. Daniel Jackson. (well, there was Sam too, but DANIEL!) My fondness for Daniel is near to my fondness of River Tam, so much so that I entertained the idea of a SG-1/Firefly crossover, which I've now abandoned, alas. Daniel up to season five, is also definitely spacefae as well - maybe even more so than River, though that's debatable.
Er, straying off-topic . . . to date, I've seen & own all ten series of SG-1, but I have yet to see the two films. My interest in Daniel waned in series nine & ten, & my attention turned to Cameron Mitchell & Vala Mal Doran, both of whom are a) hot as all hell & b) totally awesome.
I'm no longer really active in the SG-1 fandom, but it still has its place in my heart. (& especially Daniel. & incidentally? Daniel Jackson would have made a kickass companion to the Doctor. TOTALLY.)
1b. Stargate Atlantis
Ah, where my obsession began! I discovered it through my flist, as per usual, & was immediately drawn in by the space cowboys, really attractive arrogant astrophysicists, & the general awesomeness of it. I fell HARD. My SGA OTP remains John/Rodney, no matter what, though I'd read other pairings occasionally. In fact, SGA & Doctor Who are how I met a majority of my flist! ::waves at all of you:: I've seen & have everything up to series three, but while I watched the fourth series, my interest in the show had begun to decline, due to my growing interest in Doctor Who. By series five I wasn't watching anymore & am also no longer active in the fandom, though I miss the show, even if series five was more fail than anything else in the world.
5. Dresses
I ♥ dresses. Flowy, fluttery wisps of dresses perfect for dancing about on the grass in, or running about barefoot in. I love slip dresses, but I'm forever imagining the designs of other sorts of dresses I'd wear. I have a marked fondness for dresses like River Tam wears in Firefly/Serenity & often, those are the sorts I buy. Her dresses were amazing, amazing, amazing. & it's also where the term riverdresses comes from - dresses like River would wear. (see? Dress & fandom, all in one!)
Also, I hate trousers. Practical, yes, but dresses & skirts are far more fun! Just make sure to wear your bloomers underneath! If I could, I'd wear dresses all the time, but alas, I live in a place where that is sadly not possible.
nevacaruso gave me:
1. Lance/Kitty.
Okay, back when I was about seventeen, my first major fandom in a very long while was the X-Men comics. As well as a bit of movieverse & Evo-verse. I was really into the animated series X-Men: Evolution at the time & one of my favourite & primary ships of it was Lance/Kitty, or Avalanche/Shadowcat. I was quite fond of them, & they were rather canon, if I remember right & ah, I wrote a fair bit of fic for them (damn, I need to lock that tripe up if it's here) & just generally obsessed over them happily. Then Firefly took over & that was the end of Lance/Kitty.
Damn, those two were cute. Even though their 'breakup' was quite disheartening. ::sighs:: Ah, well, when one's dedicated to saving the world & the other one's sort of . . . not, what can you do?
2. Glitter
I LOVE GLITTERY THINGS. But before anyone even gets the IDEA, I will say right now, that when I say I love glittery things, THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE GLITTERY VAMPIRES & IT NEVER WILL IN THIS VERSION OF REALITY*. Glittery vampires nauseate me. But anything else, with any kind of glitter on it, will make me so happy!! Especially if it's pink or purple glitter. I wear it sometimes, but not as much as I used to, really.
Hee, when we were in middle school,
yasolo & I used to go down to the beauty shop & have glitter fights with the tester jars of glitter they had out. (it was a wonder we never got thrown out.) We still have fond memories of that!
& yes, I will admit, if someone sneaked up behind me & dumped a huge thing of glitter right over my head, I would probably snog that person on sight, friend or stranger. Or, if I didn't do that, I'd hug them really hard & be like YOU KNOW YOU JUST MADE ME THE HAPPIEST KITTY EVER, RIGHT?
(* or, if someone is sick or stupid enough to do it seriously, glittery Time Lords. TIME LORDS DO NOT GLITTER, FUCKERS. Stardust is one thing, GLITTER IS ANOTHER.)
3. Paul McGann
(girl, ILU for this one)
Well, if you've been paying any attention to my LJ at all in the last few months, you should totally know who Paul McGann is, at least in some context! But if you don't how can I know you then, he's a very talented British actor who, if you've been paying attention, played the Eighth Doctor in the 1996 tellyvision movie, which wasn't much liked here in the States, but did very well in the UK, actually. He continues his role as Eight in the Big Finish audios, first with India Fisher as Charley Pollard (four series!!) & now with Sheridan Smith as Lucie Miller. (& I think the third series is about to come out soon) His first major film role was in Withnail & I with Richard E. Grant (who would also have a turn as the Doctor later as an alternate version of the Ninth Doctor), & it's one of my favourite films. He also had a fairly decent role in an adaptation of D.H. Lawrence's The Rainbow (which I have & is next on my list of things to see) & he was also Lieutenant William Bush in the film adaptation of the Horatio Hornblower series, which I got for my birthday, yaaaay. I still have lots of nice things to try & find of his, because I think he's quite good & also, it's no secret I fancy the hell out of him!
O, &
have a picspam which I found last night, if you want to see the pretty for yourself.
(& I HAVE to make one fangirlish note here - HIS VOICE. O.MY.GOD. Seriously, this man has one of the sexiest voices I have ever heard & just . . . ARGH, CAN'T EVEN EXPLAIN. YOU NEED TO HEAR IT FOR YOURSELF. Preferably in the Zagreus audio because he goes from screaming, shouting, anger, & a very silky, not-even-trying-to-seduce-you-but-it-happens-anyway voice. UNNNNGH. It's voice!porn, pure, plain & simple. It's what pulled me through the first C'rizz audios! & it totally gave me ideas for Zagreus/Charley, even though I'm not supposed to be having those.)
4. Ampersands
I'm a girl who enjoys & considers the aesthetics in everything I do. To me, an ampersand looks much better in text, & also gives your eyes something else to focus on if you're reading one of my very rambly, fangirlish posts.
& also, I think the word ampersand has a very pretty sound to it. I never say it enough, sadly, because when can one have an occasion to use such a word in a sentence?
However, when I'm working on fic, I don't use them. I use 'and', unless it's blurb-fic or I slipped up & used one out of habit. In my zine writings, I use them. But if I was writing an academic paper, or something like that, I wouldn't use them either.
5. Firefly
O, my giddy aunt, HOW do I talk about this one?
I was first introduced to Firefly by
softlyy, as I said in my last post, by way of River Tam. About five years ago, I THINK, I gave in & decided to order it from Amazon. It came on December 2nd & I watched as much as I could before I had to leave for a doctor's appointment. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it or not; I was kind of waiting around to see miss River, but I ended up falling in love with it. My favourite episodes are, if I had to pick, Serenity, Safe, Ariel, War Stories & Objects in Space. I loved those the moment I saw them & of course, I loved the film.
I also truly, honestly love the fandom. It's one of the warmest, most inviting fandoms I've ever seen. Even though I'm not as active as I was once in it, I still consider it to be one of my main fandoms & I will just always adore it. It was an amazing show that was shot down in its prime & deserved much better.
Simply put? Browncoats = awesome. Solid gold awesome.
(& inevitably, in all my fandoms, it seems that I MUST try & write a crossover with Firefly. & I still say River Tam would have been a perfect companion to either Eight or Ten. & I don't ship Ten/River really, but I'll gladly ship Eight/River! That would be some kickassery right there, topped ONLY by the possibility of Zoe/River, Jenny/River, or Ace/River. Now if the Doctor had Ace, Jenny, Zoe & River all onboard his TARDIS? Yeah, we're talking invulnerable right there. Brains, deadly as fuck, bravery, & adorableness, all in one TARDIS.)