(no subject)

Oct 15, 2008 01:19

Verdict on the codeine-laced cough syrup: Shit is STILL damn tasty. Makes me a bit sluggish an hour later though & makes my mouth feel odd after I take it. But I think I'm taking it right & it's still yummy.

Aside from my adventures with controlled substances, I had a rather interesting morning. It started out with me seeing a fellow who bore quite a resemblance to Peter Davison (when he was the Doctor, mind you!) playing cello in the subway station when I was on my way out. I did a teeeny bit of a double take when I walked by him & then, in true mouse fashion, I scurried off in the perpetual shyness & fright I suddenly get overcome by when surrounded by nice looking members of the opposite sex. (of course, that happens when I'm around nice looking members of the same sex too, but there's a one percent chance I won't flee like a butterfly in the wind.)

O, sigh. Lovely creatures who are also street musicians . . . I am easily smitten by such, you know!

The second interesting part of my morning came whilst I was sitting in Union Square. I met a very nice girl who, quite unexpectedly, said she liked my bag & began a nice conversation with me. She was very friendly & she was quite nice to talk to. She said my name was cool & she told me she'd met a girl named Tuesday on Sunday. (hee! I said, 'well, I'm Sunday on Tuesday!')I invited her to sit with me & we talked for a bit until she had to go, as she was meeting a jewelry maker later. (she makes jewelry herself, though she didn't have any of her pieces on today) I gave her my number & she said she'd call me sometime.

Well, how about that? Sunday Aeryn made a friend, quite possibly!

(& aww, she said I had a really pretty smile! I never think I do - too many teeth, omg, but awwww!)

& I found this by way of verav, entered & I KNOW alli_everyday will like it!

Free Handbag Contest!

I don't think I'll win, but o, I just couldn't resist! I love a pretty handbag, don't you?

O, one last thing. I started working on riverdresses again - it has the beginnings of an intro now! Now I need to not be lazy & indecisive & start working on the actual content of it.

boyshapes: peter davison, silly girl what do we do with you?, she: real life, sundaymondaygirl, artbunny: zines

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