(the twinkling is my guide)

Jul 12, 2008 02:50

Mmph. Two posts tonight. Possibly. (shhhh.)

Fanbunny things first!

☀ ☀ ☀ morgaine22, in honour of S5 of SGA premiering this week, has been holding an week long SGA party at her LJ! She just capped the week off with this absolutely adorable John/Rodney fic (plus a manip!): Rodney Has Cheeseburger - McSheppy KITTY crack of PURE FRAKKING AWESOME. ALL OF YOU. GO. READ. COMMENT. THEY ARE CATS, GET YOURSELF OVER THERE.


☀ ☀ ☀ A brief stopover in the Supernatural fandom brought me this: What Kind of Day Has It Been?, by musesfool. Crossover, Supernatural/Muppets. YES, PEOPLE, SUPERNATURAL/MUPPETS. BEST CROSSOVER EVAR, YO.

☀ ☀ ☀ Have procured a bit more vintage!Who for myself! Just one serial, as I couldn't afford City of Death (read: I's a cheap kitten) & the two places I went to didn't have Genesis of the Daleks. WHAT THE HELL.

But not to despair! I got Robot instead! Now excuse me while I get all capslocky with HAPPY.

- ZOMG HARRY!! (yes, I HAVE to double the exclamation points, my love for him has grown at least five times bigger than before) UNDERCOVER!HARRY! & SARAH! HER CLOTHES OMFG. I want all of them. Or at least bits & pieces of them. & ASDFGHJKL;LKJHGFDSA FOUR. GUH. Just . . . GUH. LOVE LIKE WHOA OMG. (& yes, my Harry/Sarah fangirlishness was quite high when they were locked in the room together. HARRY/SARAH WHEE.)

- Also? I LOVES THE BRIGADIER. He is AWESOME. & Benton is TEHLOLZ. I love his totally obvious crush on Sarah. Aww, is cute. Also, I think I could like UNIT. I'd taken them to be cold-hearted, evil, Doctor-hating bastards, but they couldn't be more different! (Well, at least what I've seen so far.)

- DUDES, FOUR. I am kind of NOT KIDDING when I say that he could possibly overtake Ten as my favourite Doctor. Just . . . I can't describe it, but I adore him! O, wait, maybe I can - he makes me think of the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. He has that sort of playful, nonsensical aura around him, or at least that's how I see him a bit of the time. He's the sort of fellow you could totally imagine at one of the Hatter's teaparties, isn't he? He would bring the jelly babies, of course, & maybe a tale or two while you wait for your tea to cool.

Also, I see a lot of Four when I look at Ten. It's quite wonderful, really. Ten, though, is far more dreamlike than Four is, I think. More ethereal, in some ways. When he talks, I think. Not in the hyperactive way he usually does, but in that quiet, serious way he has. I see Four in him most of the rest of the time, especially when he's with Rose & Martha & wearing that utterly mad grin on his face.

Ten is a bit of restless starlight. Four is the earthier point of origin. Ten is a bit more spacefae, Four is just a little more fey.

::giggles:: O, listen to me, talking as if I know anything! I'm such a silly girl.

☀ ☀ ☀ I suddenly have a fierce desire to make a mixthing for Harry Sullivan. HE IS NOT GIVEN ENOUGH LOVE, BUT HE DESERVES IT.

& now, the girlishness! (the discussion of the Four/Sarah smut I may or may not have found will be saved for another time.)

☀ ☀ ☀ I discovered the cutest blogthing today! Cocoa! It is simply the sweetest & loveliest blogs that I've come across in recent days. So many lovely & inspiring articles!

Alice in Wonderland style! O, I want! (I really must get started on clearing my trunk out & making room for pretty, proper clothes.)

Dressing Like Your Heroes - I am just in.love. with this article! Though I have been doing this when the weather's good - my riverdresses & Four-inspired style! (O, I just loved that outfit. I must recreate it!) All of you, go, go see it!

Sweet & Sour Girls - hee, a perfect way to describe moi. I mean, really, just look at this post. ♥

How To Throw A Smashing Tea Party - I'm actually expressly forbidden to have people visit my (rather drab) home by my father, but I would simply love to throw a proper tea party! This is the sort of social entertaining that I am not at all adverse to!

(hmm. I really want to have a Hello Kitty picnic in the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park this summer. 'Tis a pity that I have no one to invite to one!)

Alice In Wonderland Photoshoot by Annie Leibovitz.

::giggles:: I'm mostly posting this because the last picture reminds me of Ten in The Girl in the Fireplace! But isn't it just a lovely world nonetheless? & I also found this gem linked in Miss Penelope's comments!

(lost in wonderland)

I felt that this deserved a mention all its own, it's that beautiful.

♥ & lastly, an interview with Miss Penelope herself!

☀ ☀ ☀ I've been doing a spot of reading lately, though not nearly as much as I did in my younger years.

I finished Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood this morning. I quite liked it, very much, in fact. It was beautiful, but with such a thin, yet piercing layer of sadness to it. Up next is South of the Border, West of the Sun. I'm also rereading Secret Diary of a Call Girl, which is fantastic & sexy, all things such books should be. I can't wait to see Billie in the role!

I also find that it's time for me to reread Lolita again. (of course my lusting after the Fourth Doctor has inspired this, whatever did you think?) I miss that book greatly. & I've an urge to see the original film again. (I've a copy of the 1997 version, but I've not seen it since I was fourteen, I think.)

☀ ☀ ☀ & lastly, have a song!

Bjork - Pluto

(& I do want to say thankyou to everyone who commented on my last post. You are all so lovely & I just don't deserve you all. ♥♥♥)

delights: squee!, , delights: music posts!, sundaymondaygirl, obsessions: doctor who, asdfghjkl;lkjhgfdsaomygod, i heart four

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