(no subject)

Apr 18, 2008 20:34

♥♥♥ I have been so.fucking.sore all damn day since I woke up. I have no idea why, I haven't done anything that I can recall that would make me so sore & achy.

♥♥♥ Amy Winehouse always puts me in a Vala Mal Doran-esque mood. Which is good, 'cause I had a dream with her in it & that's what I'm going to babble about here.

So! This dream was only vaguely interesting, at least to me, but that was mostly because it was a strange retelling of Memento Mori only a bit stranger. Apparently SG-1 had gone offworld & Vala had come back with some strange device that emitted sound waves that could control people's perception of reality. Unfortunately, it was also controlling her thoughts & telling her to use it on the rest of her team. So she hid it in a bag & said she bought gifts for everyone. When they were all gathered around, she switched on the device & acted like she was handing everyone a gift. She gave Sam a lovely thick gold sweater, or at least that's what everyone thought she gave Sam. Then the device told her to escape & hide herself from the SGC, so she suddenly pulled weapons on everyone & took off, running through what was apparently an apartment that Jack & Daniel kept. Everyone was following her, so she couldn't hide very easily, but she managed to escape with the device.

Then somehow, she was suddenly outside & climbing up a rope attached to a tree while Teal'c was yelling at her & telling her that she was giving all aliens a bad name & that she was trivializing his own experiences with the SGC. She kicked him in the head & ran off.

Then, suddenly it was a week or maybe a month later & they were still looking for her. She had installed herself in a fancy mansion down in Georgia (or just in the South in general) & was being interviewed by a cop. She was wearing a huge white hat & talking with a really bad Southern accent. Then she went back inside after the interview failed rather impressively & they knew who she was.

In the house, there was a long row of hairdryers with people sitting under them. Two of those people were operatives who were waiting to bring Vala back to the SGC, but she didn't know that, she just thought they were nice people.

Then somehow, a standoff happened. A huge crowd of people gathered outside the house to watch, but Vala wouldn't come out because the device wouldn't actually let her. Eventually she did come out though, but that was because Daniel went in & talked her into coming out & handing over the device. (awww, I missed Daniel/Vala!) Then it was revealed that it was the device that had really caused all of the trouble & Sam & Daniel destroyed it. (yay!)


It was a year later at Christmas. It was the same house & snow was falling in a very Christmas-y way. Inside the house it was warm & full of love & Christmas cheer & Landry was sneaking over to Daniel's room to leave him a rose as a way to say thank you for talking Vala into coming home. He bumped into Sam, who was dressed as a Christmas maid. (as in, she had on a long woolen green & red maid's dress, white apron, white frilly cap & GREEN FALSE EYELASHES. & I think she might have even been wearing glitter.) She was going to leave Daniel a gift too, but she'd wanted to do it secretly. Then Daniel came out of his room & got his rose & gift from Sam & I remember that he really liked it. He was all flattered & full of warm fuzzies. My dream ended with Landry yelling at Vala who was on the couch & watching holiday specials on the tellyvision. But she was happy & back to normal!


This dream is totally my fault, I know.

I really rather miss Vala. It's been too long since I've talked about here here. Hmm. Perhaps Bounty should be watched this weekend.

♥♥♥ Meme I saw everywhere. 1. My username is _____ because ____.

My username is lost_her_sway because when I created this LJ in 2005, I was in ♥ with Neil Gaiman's Sandman graphic novels. (& of course, I still am!) My username comes from the Tori Amos song Sister Named Desire because I was so fond of that song at the time. I actually don't like it as much as I used to, honestly - it just sounds so dull. I'm not sure if I want to actually stay here or move LJs entirely, since I have so much stuff here, but ah, I'm just so bored by it!

they say that girl lost her sway
just watch it
just watch it slip through my hands, boy
watch it go
what you know

1a. My name is _____ because ______.

trusty sidekick geekgirl. Originally a Supernatural reference, but I find that it just really describes me nicely - I'm a geekything & I'm usually a solidly loyal sidekick. I'll never change it!

2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.

undreaming. 'cause that's what I do best - dreaming while I'm awake, floating a million miles offshore or offworld, wherever I feel like it.

3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.

ain't so cold out here in the black because of my obsession with space&stars & the cosmos as art. Also, Firefly reference!

My friends page is called ____ because ____.

.ingenues with long lashes., from the opening theme of The L Word. Mostly because I have only girls on my flist & because all the girlies on said flist are just awesome. ::hugs you all::

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

A cap of Vala Mal Doran from the episode Memento Mori because I adore Vala & because that's one of my favourite episodes of season ten. I'm actually going to change it to something Doctor Who related, but I do love it.

♥♥♥ I want to do an Amy Winehouse picspam sometime soon. I ♥♥♥ Amy & I don't care what anyone says, I think she's awesome & beautiful & I love her music. The haters can shove it.

But here, while you wait, have an Alexandra Moen picspam that I found while perusing fanmix! Trust me, you'll enjoy it. (I sure did!) O ALEXANDRA, TAKE ME NOW PLZ. ::falls over::

I totally want this mix. Sarah Jane Smith = awesome like whoa.

delights: girlspam!, obsessions: doctor who, livejournal: memes, characters: vala mal doran, life: dreams, obsessions: stargate sg-1

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