(a six-pack of Coke & a bottle of Jack)

Feb 16, 2008 01:43

Okay. So I don't do squee posts/episode recaps anymore because min e SUCK TO THE NINTH LEVEL OF HELL & BACK, but here are just a coup0le of things about Midway that I loved.


- KAVANAUGH! Yes, I admit it, I really am rather fond of him, SO SUE ME. I liked his hair tonight. & HAHA, HE FAINTED FROM WRAITH!INDUCED FEAR. ::pets him::


- WTF NO MORE MIDWAY STATION. ::is sad:: John & Rodney can haz no moar Earth holidayz?

- I remembered why I love John Sheppard during this episode - HE'S BADASS. Srsly fucking badass & I loves it.


- Teal'c, you are WIN, but WTF is with the HAIR? O, well, it's all good! ::hugs Teal'c::


- Awwwww, Sam called Chuck by his name! ♥ (yes, I may have thought of you during that scene, colonel_taisa!)


& also? I think I have the return beginnings of a silly girly crush on Ronon. YAY!

So! While waiting for Midway, I watched Trio, which I missed last week, due to my own laziness & Seinfeld marathons. As I watched, I flipped about during commercials & found a nice, odd, interesting film with James Spader in it.

Betsy: "Ooo, James Spader!" ::watches during commercials::
Betsy: ::catches a scene in which James Spader makes out with another guy::

. . . I got David Hewlett & James Spader making out with guys in ONE NIGHT. NOTHING CAN TOP THAT. Unless it was David Hewlett making out with James Spader, of course . . .

Whee, it was a nice Friday today. While waiting for the bus, I poked my nose into a couple of shops in the Haight & in one, I found several BEAUTIFUL & PERFECTLY RIVER dresses on sale in sizes that may actually fit me! They aren't yellow, but OMG they are just LOVELY. (also, I saw something I want to send you, elite.) I think I'm going to go back there tomorrow & buy one. Also, the weather was so nice & I got to wear one of my lovely riverdresses!

Hmm . . . I swear, I actually had something to say, but apparently, I don't anymore. So let's have a meme I stole from pocky_slash.

1. How about a brief introduction?

Hello there! ::waves:: My name is Betsy & I'm a part-time kogal & a full-time geek!

2. What got you into fan fiction (and/or adopting muses)?

Honestly? (& I KNOW lost_little_nat will have a field day with this!) the Harry Potter fandom. It was my very first online fandom & the one that got me into fic & fandom & all of that wonderful stuff. That was about when I was twelve or so, & while I didn't actually write fic for it (. . . okay, I wrote one BAAAAD thing that is one one of my old LiveJournals), I was pretty active in it for about three or four years, I think. This was also the fandom that brought me to LiveJournal.

Muse adoption came later, during my X-Men: Evolution phase. I noticed that when I wrote, certain characters just spoke to me better than other ones did. Hence, my muses came into being.

3. What kind of fan fiction do you write?

Once upon a time, I would have said character-driven pieces, or one-shots. Now I mostly write porn because I don't have enough confidence in my own writing abilities to write much else.

4. Do you write for the same pairings/characters?

Generally - it depends on how good of a hold or feel I have for the character or pairing, or if I can relate enough to a character or pairing to understand it & write for it/them. I tend to write for characters I have the most empathy or emotional connection to, like River Tam or Daniel Jackson, among other characters. I feel that I can just get inside their heads the best & can write them very easily, so I stick to them.

5. What is your most popular fic/muse and why do you think people like it so?

I really don't post much, so I don't have anything as popular as some of my flist does, but I'd say Strawberry Orgasm (Kaylee/Inara) & I Shut My Mouth (With You For A Gag) (Jayne/Simon) are two of my better ficlets & ones I'm personally most pleased with.

As for myself personally, muse-wise, anyway, the two muses I seem to work with a lot are my River & Daniel!muses. I'm attempting fic for them (gen), but it's kind of slow, due to my own blockages in confidence.

6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic/post/prompt you've written that you're most proud of?

Oooo, this I can answer! I happen to be damn proud of my Schoolboy!Daniel/Schoolgirl!Vala piece lie still, close your eyes girl, which I wrote in an MSN conversation for colonel_taisa & who made me post it, Glory Box (Supernatural, Sam/Meg, hints of Meg/Jo, Sammy/his right hand yayz) & two X-Men movieverse!ficlets I wrote for penelopeblack: First Impression & its sequel, Bonding (The Meeting) (gen, X2/Evo crossover) & the snippet which launched my gen Daniel&River ficlet here. O, & also i wanna hear you call out my name, i wanna see you burn up in flames. (Jack/Daniel for colonel_taisa).

7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What aspects do you struggle with?

Original writing I tend to find easy, especially when I'm writing for my zine riverdresses. Fanfiction I tend to find a lot harder, because people can be a lot more tougher on it, I think, & because I'm violently shy about showing other people my writing.

Aspects I tend to struggle with is probably stringing a longer piece together - I tend to get other ideas & forget about what I'm currently working on, which is why I keep my fic short & sweet.

8. Write a few sentences of your favorite pairing or character.

. . . I'll pass please.

9. Are there any fan fiction trends/clichés you hate?

Mpreg is my least favourite - it's just not my thing. Beyond that, I'll give anything a go if it looks or sounds interesting.

10. Are you guilty of any of the trends you hate?

Nope - I don't have the guts to write mpreg.

11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still write for it?

Probably my crappy one-shot for the Harry Potter fandom, & some stuff for the Moulin Rouge fandom, both of which I've disconnected myself entirely from.

12. Name your OTPs and explain what it is about them you love to write.

Well, as of right now, my strongest OTP that I've written for is probably Jack/Daniel. I feel at kind of a loss for words about these two, because I love them so & they're one of my strongest OTPs, but I think I love how much they're willing to risk their lives for each other & how, no matter what, they have each other's back & how close they are - I always felt that Daniel was one of those few people Jack could really open up to because of the history they have together - the first mission to Abydos, Daniel's ascension, Jack sucking in all of that Ancient knowledge & not letting Daniel risk his own life . . . I could go on. Plus, it was Jack who had those final moments with Daniel before he ascended in Meridian & it was Jack that Daniel came back for in Abyss - you're really got to care & love someone if you're going to help them ascend, right?

(whoo, long sentence there!)

My second OTP that I've actually written for would have to be Mal/Simon. Mal & Simon are such a contrast in almost everything - upbringing, morals, personalities, occupations . . . there are a lot of possibilities to explore with them, which is why I enjoyed writing for them so much. They're a contrast, but they do have a fair amount in common.

Third OTP: Daniel/Vala. I love Daniel/Vala, yes, partially because they lend themselves to such fantastic porn, but also because I think they have the capacity to be insanely romantic. Granted I hate what Daniel became in the last two seasons, but I think he was always the perfect one to get through to Vala's emotions & was also a big part in helping her settle down into life at the SGC.

13. What would you call your writing style?

Um . . . bad, usually. ::laughs:: Yeah, that's pretty much it.

14. Do you read other people's writing? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?

I do, but I've actually found myself reading a lot less fic by anyone lately, even by authors I enjoy. As for what I read, it depends on the character or pairing - if it's Daniel, for instance (seasons one through eight only, please), I love something really angsty or depressing - I love Daniel!whump with a PASSION, I do! If it's Rodney McKay, angst is always good, or pre-series fic, particularly for him. But as I said above - if it looks good & I like the author, I'll read anything, pretty much.

16. Do you feel uncomfortable taking criticism? Or worse, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?

Well . . . it depends. From friends & people who mean well, as long as they're POLITE about it & not just exercising their asshole muscles, then I don't mind it. Beyond that, I tend to feel like I've done something horribly wrong & that's another reason I don't belong in fandom.

17. When you write, is there anything that helps?

Music is the big one. Prompts. Friends slapping me on MSN to write something. Dreaminess.

18. What inspires you?

See the above.

19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fan fiction/RP experiences and you as a writer?

I would say that the small amount of RP'ing I've done has helped me get a feel for certain characters & has generally helped me become more comfortable writing fic. (which is why I enjoy RP'ing when I do it - I wish I could do more!) As for the writing, I think the biggest challenge for me to overcome is constantly obsessing over what other people think of my work & to stop over thinking & talking myself out of writing anything at all when I DO have an idea.

20. Tag some friends, because they'll hate you for it.

I never tag people - if you want to, do it!)

Okay, that came out a little more depressing than I meant it to. & GODDAMN, THAT'S A LOT OF TAGS.

lovers: kaylee/inara, teh silly: my muses, obsessions: x-men: evolution, obsessions: stargate sg-1, lovers: jack/daniel, , delights: squee!, livejournal: memes, ::flails::, , , obsessions: firefly, thoughtfulthinky, lovers: daniel/vala, characters: vala mal doran, lovers: jayne/simon, sundaymondaygirl, characters: daniel jackson, obsessions: stargate atlantis, asdfghjkl;lkjhgfdsaomygod, lovers: mal/simon

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