(you've got a light you can feel it on your back)

Dec 21, 2007 00:11

So, guess which flaily little miss just finished watching Memento Mori? O, yes it was me! OMG . . . it was just SUCH a wonderful episode! It had Cameron/Vala in it! IT HAD DANIEL/VALA OMG DANIEL YOU SIMPLY MUST GET TOGETHER WITH VALA! & OMG VALA! ::flails & squeals some more:: I just . . . o, I just wanted to hug her so much! Hug her & brush her hair & eat ice cream with her, really.

& HEE! Daniel & Vala were totally on a date, no matter what Daniel keeps telling everyone. O Daniel, you're so silly! ::ruffles his hair:: & OMG CAMERON CAN RIDE A MOTORCYCLE. DUDES. MOTORCYCLE & CAMERON OMG YAY! He & Vala are so having sex on a motorcycle, I fully intend to write that! & Waitress!Vala - AWWWWW! SO. CUTE. I could have popped from just her adorable smile! & I liked that she snaps her gum!

O, & CAMERON BEING HANDCUFFED TO THE BED BY VALA IS WIN. & SHE STUFFED A TWINKIE IN HIS MOUTH. ::giggles:: Vala, you are just so bad! & I LOVED how they found Cameron in the room - nekkid, handcuffed to the bed & surrounded by sweet wrappers. ::DIES:: He looked vaguely like some mild pimp or something. ::gigglesnorts::

& in the same SG-1 vein of squee, 200 is just OMG AWESOME FUN. I actually broke my rules of saving all my commentaries to watch after I finish season ten & watched both commentaries for 200 back to back. Dorothy!Vala IS AWESOME. But Farscape!Daniel? PWNS. (Srsly, I can't BELIEVE how loud I screamed 'OMG THEY'RE DOING A FARSCAPE SCENE OMFG!!' It was LOUD. Then I screamed 'OMG DANIEL AS JOHN & VALA AS AERYN!' Yes, it was AWESOME.)

O, & The Pegasus Project. If Daniel in Atlantis is Daniel Disneyland, then that makes SG-1 on Lantea Betsy Paradise! Because ZOMG JOHN & RODNEY & RADEK & ELIZABETH & CHUCK INTERACTING WITH SG-1 & DANIEL BEING ALL ADORABLE & SWEET & ZOMG JOHN & RODNEY ALL BUT COMING OUT & SHOWING SG-1 THEIR GREAT BIG LOVE.

& also, Daniel in The Pegasus Project - when they first arrived on Lantea & Daniel got his first look at Atlantis . . . it's only a moment, but in just that second, I saw the old Daniel Jackson - the dreamer, the idealistic spacefae I knew & adored. He was right there & I was so thrilled. Srsly, folks, Daniel belongs on Atlantis.

O, & INARA BEING VALA'S DAUGHTER IS SO AWESOME. & her strangling Daniel with her mind? O YEAH.

& now, I have a poll for you all! It's short & fannish, so have fun!

Poll titles for my Vala mix

I'm fond of Jigsaw Falling Into Place myself, but that's because I adore the song. If I don't use that for Vala's mix, I may use it for a future Daniel/Vala mix I want to make - it's a really nice song for them I think, especially in Memento Mori.


My mummy brought up the mail today & there were Christmas cards in there from spacemonkeyluvn, rhombal & caithream! & OMG laii, I GOT THE JAYNE HAT! & your note totally pwned, you know. ::huggles all of you:: You're all just so sweet to have sent me cards & in laii's case, my Jayne hat! I can't wait to wear it. ::SQUEEZEHUGGLES EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU::

I STILL can't believe Christmas is so soon!

, lovers: daniel/vala, fandom: soundtracking, characters: cameron mitchell, characters: vala mal doran, obsessions: stargate sg-1, , delights: squee!, characters: daniel jackson, lovers: vala/cameron, obsessions: stargate atlantis, livejournal: polls, asdfghjkl;lkjhgfdsaomygod, artbunny: mailboxlove, ::flails::

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