(words are a sawed-off shotgun)

Dec 09, 2007 22:21

I mostly haven't been updating lately (with real content, that is) because every time I open Semagic to say something vaguely real-life/non-fandom related, I realise how stupid & insipid it is & talk myself out of updating or posting. But that ends tonight, because on Saturday night, I got to have dinner with my mother, brother, sister&brother-in-law & my adorable niece at The Cheesecake Factory! Seriously people, if you ever get the chance to go to one, GO. The food is amazing & one plate of something will fill you up! We didn't get any cheesecake because we were all so full, but still, BEST DINING EXPERIENCE OF EVER.

Of course, the best part of being there was the fact that we were on the top floor of Macy's here in San Francisco, so we basically had an amazing outddor view of Union Square, the St. Francis Hotel & about half of downtown San Francisco. It was breathtaking. We could see the beautiful Christmas tree & menorah in Union Square (& the people lighting it for Hanukkah!) & I could see Borders & o . . . it was amazing. When we got outside, my mouth was literally hanging open for at least ten seconds!

But OMG it was so cold out! My Betsyboobies were freezing!

I snapped several rooftop pictures for you, Tashi (lost_little_nat)! & I may have a decent one of myself . . . maybe.

& o, my niece is just so adorable! Everywhere she went, people were oooing & aahhhing over her - & for a picture, she sat on my knees! She is, simply, the cutest little strawberrything I have ever seen. ::cuddles her:: & she even kissed Mother & I goodbye!


Someone uploaded a full zip for my Daniel mix. A full, over one hundred MB zip with ID3 tags just for my silly little mix! I am blown away by the kindness of that person! Seriously, people can be very sweet!

& OMG SISSI thisissirius, I GOT YOUR PACKAGE! OMG, OMG THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! ::GLOMPS YOU:: I LOVE the picture! As soon as I move into my new room, IT IS BEING HUNG UP RIGHT NEXT TO MY BED. & OMG YOU WROTE ME JOHN/RODNEY & MATCHMAKER!SAM! ::more Betsyglomps:: (she sent me a picture of 1969!SG-1 & she wrote me the most ADORABLE John/Rodney with Matchmaker!Sam ficlet AND? She drew me pie! PIE!) I got it RIGHT AS I WAS LEAVING for dinner & when I opened it in the car, I was all 'SQUEEOMGSISSI!' ::still more tackleglomps from the Betsy::

I did shopping with my pappy on Saturday. He was in less of a venomous, bigoted mood, so it wasn't so bad, but it wasn't that much fun either. I did however, get my new printer! I was going to pay for it myself (I'd even saved for it!), but he paid for it instead. Then we drove to a second Target so we could get one of my Christmas gifts, namely, a Hello Kitty toaster! He actually got it for me (though I can't have it until Christmas), then we stopped at See's Candy & he got me a little box of chocolate with PINK COCONUT BONBONS in them & my favourite cherry-filled chocolates & let me pick the rest. Plus, we got a soft center box for Mother & I.


He wouldn't let me buy the pink Hello Kitty hairdryer though. Pout! But I can order that on the website! & also (if I wanted to, but I don't really) the Hello Kitty popcorn maker, the Hello Kitty water dispenser, the Hello Kitty lamp, the Hello Kitty waffle maker . . .

Also, chase_acow posted a pretty Michael Shanks/Daniel Jackson picspam at her LJ! ::bounces like a frilly cupcake girl::

Also reread Good Omens last week - Aziraphale! ♥♥♥♥ Crowley! ♥♥♥ Their big damn gay ineffable love! ♥♥♥♥♥ Ah, I love that book.

Also, I DO feel that I'm experiencing slight Cameron & Vala withdrawal - must watch more SG-1! ::gropes Vala & Cam::

livejournal: my flist is lovelovelove, life: family, livejournal: ::loves her friends::, lovers: crowley/aziraphale, obsessions: good omens, delights: shopping!, she: real life, boyshapes: michael shanks, delights: girlishness

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