Mar 08, 2005 09:45
I wanna heeeeeal, You wanna kiiiiiiiill
Like I'm something that's not reeeeeal
I dunno why I got that stuck in my head. Anyways, I'm ticked off because it has been more than two hours since I asked to speak with the doc I saw yesterday, since the pills that she perscribed to me made me vomit up all my food. (And if you're squeamish, just be glad I'm not puking in front of you) I've hardly eaten anything, but believe me, I am trying to. Yesterday, the pills made me feel sick with the smell of those delicious, drooleriffic Sour Cream and Onion Pringles. Poor Heath thought he would make me hungry by opening them up and shoving them in my face, so I had to push them far away and tell him, "No. I smelt them earlier, when you opened them for yourself, and it made me feel sick." Even pizza was unappealing to me. My mom would know something was seriously wrong if I don't want to eat my pizza! I love pizza. But I didn't last night.
I haven't taken any pills since 3:30 pm yesterday, and I should have taken one of them at 11:00 pm (but even after I puked a tonne, I thought there was still something to be brought up, and there was. Didn't wanna waste the pills), and another one at 3:30 am to 7:00 am.
I feel a tiny bit better in the stomach department, at least, but that's because I haven't had any of these stupid pills that are supposed to help a different problem. Blahness!
I'm on hold ... it's fun. Annoying background music with some stupid dorkwads telling me all about everything that's happening on base. Nice.
MAybe I should forget about amily Practice, and call Women's Health. Jesus Christ. Somebody save me.