Kitchener/Waterloo = SNOW!

Oct 29, 2008 00:22

OMG SNOW! And it's not even Halloween. Now don't get me wrong I love winter and snow, but I'm not a huge fan of this cold, windy, push my car off the road, drifting snow. Driving up to Orangeville on these little country side roads the wind was crazy. I don't even Matt driving up North, I'm not a fan of this type of driving. Give me city driving any day of the week over this.

The first snowfall is a sign for me to start playing my Christmas music. I've always done that; as soon as the snow starts falling the caroling starts playing!! But..... it didn't feel right today.... not even being Halloween yet. And that's a lot for me! Usually I'm just waiting for an excuse to start the festivities and the decorating.

Now I know I'm probably not getting nearly as much snow down here in Kitchener as they are in Ottawa but it's still snowing!
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