Oct 27, 2004 18:37
It's a job I've wanted to tackle for a long time. I was home sick, but not too sick.
It was chilly in the music room but I got down to work anyway, sniffling and sneezing. I knew I'd warm up. I touched every piece of unfiled music strewn about on shelves, piano, floor and in numerous carry-bags.
Enough multiple copies? File in my accordian envelopes labeled "solos", "duets", "trios", quartets", "5 or more", "mixed consort", "recorder & guitar", "recorder & piano", "Christmas music".
Not enough multiple copies? Throw in the largest carry-bag to make multiple copies later.
Came across numerous unexpected items. Bob and my 2003 Federal tax return. Thank you letter for helping organize the blood donation at Bedford High School. Lowell Catholic High School Crusader magazine. Program from the 2002 LCHS Thanksgiving Service. The one where my little recorder consort played "Heidenroslin" and a huge mound of snow slipped off the roof of the church and fell with a crash to the ground at the exact moment we finished. The buzz was all about it after the service. Pinewoods map. Boston Boys Choir Christmas Concert program with the names of handbell pieces I want to play.
Is there a best way to organize music? I use my accordian files. Within them I place books, but for individual pieces, I used 2-pocket folders. But today I couldn't be bothered and just threw in the pieces paper-clipped together. Does it matter? My Quartet and Duets files are bursting... Sarah Cantor has "magazine" holders organized by type of music as well as # of players. They line one wall of her music room, double-thickness. I like my accordian files cause I can grab the one for the number of people I'll be playing with.
As I get new music, I must remember to rate it. I'll probably copy a bunch of music and I won't like it much. But actually, that's probably not true. I think mostly I've only kept music that I've at least liked or found technically interesting.
What motivated me to do this? #1 Having the time. #2 Just started to play regularly with an informal group of pretty good to very good players.