Jan 11, 2011 17:01
[ So, for the last few days outside 1129 Taylor Road there's been something strange taking up space in the driveway. It was a large present, neatly wrapped, which caused Komachi, who was taking it easy after her ordeal, to laugh heartily at when she finally came to open the packaging.
Her merriment didn't last too long. ]
Gah, stupid thing. Taking up so much space...this town just wants to make things difficult for me.
[ If you pass by the house, you may see a large wooden gondola jutting out of the drive it has been awkwardly placed in, its pointed tip blocking the path. The woman sitting in it is also talking to it as if it were sentient, with a mixture of irritation and affection.
It also may be worth mentioning that she has a large and menacing reapers' scythe slung across her back. She is lazily using it to poke the grass as she stares out at any passersby and laughs at them in a jolly - yet rather unintentionally creepy - sort of fashion. ]
this woman was a death god,
*1129 taylor road,
komachi: regain your shit,
it's the titanic mofos