First of all, a big thank you to
rinkle and
animotus for the birthday remembrances. It means a lot, you guys.
I just saw where Tim Burton is preparing to make a big screen version of Dark Shadows. Starring Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins! OMG. I'm showing my age, here, but I go back to the original soap opera version with Jonathan Frid as Barnabas, as well as the short-lived 80's nighttime version with Ben Cross as Barnabas. This could be loads of fun.
Saw a surprisingly good horror flick last weekend. The Crazies. I got it because it stars Timothy Olyphant(!!) and Radha Mitchell. It wasn't exactly new plot-wise, but the performances gave it some heft, there were some good scares, and it was generally enjoyable escapist drama. A lot of horror movies have plot, pacing and flow problems. This one was reasonably coherent.
I would kill to be at Comic Con San Diego in a couple of weeks. Not only for the Supernatural panel but because the writer I've recently become a huge fan of, Rob Thurman, is going to be there. Several flisties have told me how much they enjoyed her Cal Leandros books and her newest book, Chimera. Absoutely riveting reads.
Oh, and last but not least, we have real bathrooms again at work!! Who gives a flying, you ask? Well, if you ever have to use a potty trailer for eight months, you'll understand. So far, facilities services haven't put signs on the door, so different people on the floor have been putting up sticky notes with some alternative suggestions to "Women" and "Men." My favorite so far is "Setters" and "Pointers." Hee!
Enough meaningless babble. Back to work. (Yuck) Hope y'all guys (as JP says) are having a great summer.