I can’t wait for tomorrow to be over and done with. I’m taking the GREs tomorrow. The reason why I’m taking them in the middle of the semester is I thought I would be applying to grad school in the fall but I’m not. I need some experience before hand, so I’m taking a year off in between. But even still this test is freaking me out; I haven’t been this on edge since my first piano recital. I been studying since the summer but still I feel only like 20% ready. Ah I really hate these types of tests! I’m going to be so tempted to cancel my score tomorrow, but of course than I won’t see how bad it did and I will have waste my money. Oh well I need this torture to end. ;_;
on a happy-like note here is a shamless plug follow the links
www.youtube.com/watch www.youtube.com/watchwww.youtube.com/watch
part three will be coming soon (maybe ^^')