May 13, 2008 20:23
Ahhhh. Today was my last day of classes. I just have to do 3 papers -_-. Overall this semester was my roughest because I went in five days a week and I had lots of work to do for all my classes. If I had to rank my classes Japanese Architecture would be #1, I think actually so far that in is in my top five classes I have ever taken as an undergrad ^^. I liked subject, I was never bored, the projects were fun, tests were not bad, and I really like the teacher she is awesome. I wish I was taking her Chinese Art class next semester. Next would my capstone pro-seminar Comtemporary Issues in Anthropology: Tourism and Culture . I thought I was going to HATE it but I enjoyed it. The readings were interesting and it was a laid back class, which I find odd for a 400 level senior course but of well then again I could say the some for my Indian Cinema course which was awesome and kind of fun ^_~. Then Childhood in America would be third. I thought it was going to different then how it was presented. It was boring at times but they readings were interesting and I liked the teacher who was the same teacher I had for my capstone. Then is last place would be Anthropology on Film. That a weird on to talk about because the material was interesting and it held my interest but the teachers were not the best. They were too intense and not in a good, I can handle tough teachers but they are very bias and they had a weird way of handing the students. It was like they treated us like 5th grader and like grad students. They went over time way too often and they never admitted their own mistakes. For instance they class before the midterm were reviewing and everyone was taking down the note they wrote on the board to but in our one page study guide for the test. People wrote verbatim what was on their study guide on the test which original source was from the teacher. Then the teacher wrote that the language people used on the teat was not accurate and took off massive points. I was lucky in that it was 2 points but one person it was like 8 points. Then a student called them on the word usage and she said they were wrong not her. I never give teachers bad evaluations I’m usually nice but not today not with them. I know that they are nice outside of class but they not the greatest of teachers.
So I started a new anime/manga series Vampire Knight. I like it so far but it is kind of addicting. I was working on a paper and I couldn’t stop reading the manga and I had to read it too the end actually the current chapter 39. After I finished 39 I was fine but it has been a long time since I gotten addicted to anime/manga series. I think it helps if like the music for the opening and closing (yeah I’m that shallow ^_~). I also started watching Karin which is a romantic comedy about vampires@_@ and my sister wants me to watch two more anime both of which involve vampire. I’m not into vampire the train and school are life sucking enough for me. I do find anime involving vampires interesting and it makes me want to do research heheheheheeeheeee (do not ask I lost my mind ^_~).
Yeah life otherwise has been boring. Now I must work on my torture final paper (anthro on film {I’m not being cute, it really is torture}) which is due on Friday and then when it done I get to write TWO more argh.