River and Miranda (Cut scene from serenity_dark)

Jan 24, 2007 17:23

[In ( this post) Mal has taken Inara away to the med bay, safely out of Miranda's reach... River confronts the girl, intending to kill her, shred her pieces and space them individually... What follows is the RP of the conversation they had, Reader telepathic communication, fun stuff, wheee... set aside so as to allow the others to continue rp since they'll only know what they are told]

Miranda smiled sadly at River "That hasn't saved her, she'd gone. Maybe not now.......... but next time she's alone....." she shrugged gracefully. "Make me suffer...... can't do worse than you already have..... you made me like this, wanted River, needed the weapon......" she said. "You spoke to Father....." she said tilting her head "Simon will never be father, not with Kaylee" she said. She sighed "Linear thoughts are hard" she pouted "try this-" she opened her mind and forced as painfully as she could all of her worst, her most painful memories on to the other reader "Read me" she told her. "Know my life" not that anyone would make sense of the painful images she was giving off.

River's mind is screaming that its a trick, a trap, but she knows the companion's pain, knows her desire to escape in one way or another... She's sure she can stop it, fix it somehow... if only Mal will finally admit what he feels, they can both be happy... and if that's the only way to save Inara, River can step away and hide her jealous eyes. Doesn't matter, if Inara takes her own life, then its her... River can't be blamed for that... if Miranda does it, to hurt River, then it is her fault and he'll never love her...

She has the girl pinned to the floor, knees on her chest, hands on her wrists. Against better judgment she leans in, putting her forehead against Miranda's. "Show me, then." the harshness is still there, but she wants to know, wants to see...

River puts her forehead against Miranda's "Show me." her tone is harsh, but she wants to know. And softer, in her head, she whispers "Let me see."

Miranda's eyes closed as she opened up memories, waking in a tube alone and cold being pulled out. A jump and she's getting beaten, as punishment for a failure. A canning for spilt milk. Painful medical treatments ageing her, forcing her to grow up to soon.
Being slapped as she was forced to bark out statistics about River Tam. Blind rage after an injection. Feeling like a Reaver. Being chased and caught by a Reaver and becoming a 'women' at it's hand before being 'rescued' by 'father'.
Miranda shook her head trying to stop the memories flowing to River. It was hurting to remember. To feel it again.

River still didn't understand, knew the girl had been created rather than born, saw the rest... Knew that, what it all meant... All the things she'd threatened her with and worse. Watching, living the girl's memory of the Reaver attack, River couldn't hold back tears and the rage in her began to fade, replaced with sorrow and pity. Shouldn't be shocked the Alliance would do that to her, shouldn't be surprised but it hurt... hurt so much... There was something she should understand, she could feel herself missing something important, couldn't see what it was though...

She tried searching, thought it might be easier on the girl if she went looking for the truth instead of making her dig it out, mental blocks would make it painful, she knew that from experience. 'What am I missing?' whispering within their minds as she searched for it, the secret, the truth...

'Cant' she closed her eyes her young body trembling as one of the few good memories she had leaked to the surface. Sitting at a table eating Ice-cream with the operative, one arm in a think cast. "May I have more Father?"
"Of course" he said softly "Just for you" as soon as that pushed through another came through to break it, another beating, more criticisms complaints.
A nice crisp memory of being programmed to be cold and heartless, to be the worst she could be. To know how to break people. To go for the weak point. Reading files upon files.
"What have you learnt Miranda?" A scientist asked
"River Tam was weak and I'm the better model." she said confidently. "More efficient less human."

Without realizing, River was stroking the girl's hair, had let her up, had pulled Miranda into her lap. 'Why me?' Why had they made the girl study her so intensely, just to correct the mistakes they made before? Just to send her here like this, to hurt her? Was she a new weapon sent to destroy the prototype? 'Why?"

'Escaped, took Reaver drug' she told her shivering tears in her eyes 'so I could do it' she sighed weakly 'wanted to prove better than mother' she whispered to her.

Blink. Blinkblink. Blink. "Mother?" That was out loud, she doesn't realize it. The tears came freely now as she understood what they'd done. "They didn't want a girl, they wanted a weapon, but the prototype was too human, so they made... a new one... Made it..." she was rocking back and forth now with the girl in her arms as she understood what the Operative had been telling her, how she'd regret more than she knew. "Miranda... my fault..." all of it. Wash, Book, Miranda... all of it her fault.

Miranda closed her eyes squirming to get free "No pity, don't need pity" she said "weapon, strong. Only soft with Father, play catch, throw ball" she said "I'm 14, I'm an adult" although in actual reality she was much younger. "Should kill me, hurt you hurt you all, Jayne humiliated, squish Simon's head, No kids for Kay........... Inara would suicidal ANGRY MAL"

"Why did you come here?" ignoring the protests, holding tighter. "You don't have to be what they made you, can be more, better... Not just with Father..."

"Came here for revenge" she murmured "Try so hard, still like River more, River the better weapon, more........ graceful, little bit better every way," or at least it's what she'd been told daily since birth. "Has REAL family, has friends......."

"Not better... different. Free." a pause, then "Humanity isn't a weakness, its what gives me strength. Loving them, having someone to protect, makes me fight harder. I take more risks than I was trained, because I'll do anything to protect them, even sacrifice myself if it'll keep them safe. On Miranda, I thought I'd die but I had to lock them away where the Reavers couldn't get in. I protect them, they protect me... because we Love each other... They are my family, not by blood, but in my heart..."

Miranda snorted in response "had friend, he was worse" a memory only long enough for River to see two cuts forming a cross. "Doesn't matter, no where to go....... Miranda must die....... killed serenity"

"Didn't kill anybody, girl." holding her still "Your Father, he says he can help, can fix you..." She'll have a -lot- of questions for the Operative when he gets here.

"Kay's future babies....... some of Simon’s brain cells.......... Jayne's self confidence......... Inara........ soon anyway" she shrugged. She shook her head "Lies, he doesn't know how...... just wants to look after, treat, buy ice cream, can't fix, doesn't have no how......."

"If Kay wants babies, we'll find a way to reverse it, Simon will be okay, Jayne doesn't like to hear anyone say what’s in his head, and Inara... We'll find a way to help her... He cares for you, he'll find a way." she hesitated, then said softly "You're... mine? Simon... he'll help... You're family..."

She sighed deeply "Genetically created weapon based on 'mother' figure spliced with DNA from Male 'father'" she said. "Don't know who he is." she added before she asked. Her mind went to the operative "Too like him, he'd loose want to fix"

"Doesn't matter." she was climbing to her feet now, still holding onto the girl, carrying her "You are family." something... odd in her voice as she whispered "Mine." possessive and... proud?

Miranda was starting to feel that dark feeling, the one that always came at the resolution of a mission, as the adrenaline faded, as the drugs faded "I'm a monster" she whispered

"Maybe." River wasn't going to try lying to another Reader. "Me too, though. They wanted to take away all that was human, all that had caring or concern or mercy, wanted a weapon, a monster... Funny how the creations keep getting away from them..." Smug

Miranda couldn't help but smile a little "You better than your file" she murmured drowsily. "Inara......... I...... she won't be ok.........ever.......... Kay the drug I used it-" and she passed out

River held her tighter and started toward the med bay... They'd keep her restrained in case she woke in a fit or something, but she knew Simon would want to look her over... and the others, once they calmed down... might be curious. Not to mention she wasn't going anywhere, not even with the Operative. Especially not if it was true that she was technically the girl's mother.

miranda, fpk

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