(no subject)

Jul 06, 2009 23:08

Went to local pub quiz this evening. Our team came second, for the third week in a row. If only we'd known that a first class stamp costs 39p (not 35p), that it was Russell Crowe (not Steve Irwin) who said "God bless  America. God save the Queen. God defend New Zealand and thank Christ for Australia", and that  it was Walt Whitman (not Maya Angelou) who wrote "I celebrate myself, and sing myself"...then victory, and the £65 jackpot,  would have been ours. Curses.

I definitely shouldn't have posted about the weather having been so lovely for so long, because today was rainy, windy and on the chilly side. I suppose it makes for a nice change and all, but mostly I just want the sun back.

So tired now. Have developed this thing where I get tireder and tireder but just don't feel like turning the light off and go to sleep, for some reason. It's a very bad habit that I thought I had kicked when I left university (and broke the ridiculous go-to-bed-at-6am, get-up-at-2pm cycle that I had managed to get into) but it seems to have returned, albeit on a lesser scale. V bad of me. And yet I continue to procrastinate....
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