-Visited NYC last weekend. We stayed with
teferi in his gloriously air-conditioned and not-a-tiny-box apartment. I learned about lampwork bead-making from Danielle (of
Emblems) and managed to turn out two
cracked beads and one
whole one. Working with glass is interesting and different from metal in many ways--it's like roasting a marshmallow, except there are two of them and you're hoping neither of them explodes. I can't wait to play again :) I taught/demo'd some metalworking stuff for Danielle also. It was really neat to see someone else try out (and succeed at) stuff that I was explaining! We both kept babbling rapidly about our crafts and understanding each other's explanations (I think, at least!) and it was awesome.
During the weekend, I also went to
Re/Dress and found FOUR pretty dresses (some subset of which I'll wear to All The Weddings Ever next month).
-I think I've figured out the right way to have lemons to eat almost all the time. I've tried candying them with
this method, but it's wayyyy too much work and heating-up-the-kitchen and in the end is less delicious than just eating a sliced-up lemon with some sugar on it. (I may be abnormal in that I consider this the ideal way to eat lemons--it's the way they taste best to me, something about the several flavors and textures in contrast. Lemonade, lemon sorbet, lemon candy, etc. are all watered-down/inferior substitutes.) But slicing up an entire lemon just when I want a taste is usually overkill. So here's my extremely lazy method for keeping lemon slices around and edible: slice lemons, remove seeds, put in a tupperware stirred with a bunch of sugar in the fridge. Let sit for at least 24 hours before eating--they tend to have a weird, almost skunky aftertaste at first that I don't like. Over time, they'll change texture in subtle ways, but will generally be delicious. When you've eaten them all, the container will probably have a settled-out bed of sugar with liquid floating over it--pour the liquid (lemon juice saturated with sugar) off and mix with water (or seltzer!) for slightly-too-sweet lemonade, and use the sugar for repeating the process (with a little supplemental new sugar). Repeat indefinitely or until you stop craving lemons all the time :) I use organic lemons in the hope of eating fewer terrifying chemicals in the process.
(This is crossposted
on Dreamwidth, where there are
comments so far.)