Gearing up for a craft fair!

Jun 17, 2010 02:39

My housemate sen-ichi-rei and I will be vending at the upcoming Mass Craft Market on June 27. I've been trying to make more things for the event, in spite of the crazy times at work last week and the (thankfully a false alarm) bedbug scare last weekend. sen-ichi-rei has been making lots of yarn and roving. Our basement is practically humming with shiny crafting activity!

Here are some of the things I've been working on. Just cell phone pictures for now.

These are done with a new-to-me method of smashing gears into the copper to leave a sort of stamped shape. I realized that the steel gears I had lying around would stand up to the smashing a lot better than the fragile brass ones.

Another shawl pin! Hooray! I'd like to have at least 4 at the craft fair.

(This is crossposted on Dreamwidth, where there are
comments so far.)
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