What a year 2007 was...

Jan 22, 2008 20:19

 Year at a glance... I started a new job (hence the lack of postage), met someone very special (squee!), and have been really busy with kid-type functions. I've committed myself, however, to start posting updates with what's going on round here. The new job is just the old job in a different format. Like doing exactly the same thing, in French instead of English. But the absolutely killer part of it is that with the new job/new location...I met somebody! Yaay ME!

I had to drop quite a few of the kids' activities because I realized that I was just spreading us all too thin. Thursday they're going to check out a Karate/Self-Defense class but that's the first activity they're really involved in this school year. Otherwise, I've just been working hard and most recently performing some Beta work (which I absolutely LOVE).  Currently, I'm waiting patiently for my copy of Photoshop Elements for Dummies so I can make my own icons.

Oh, P.S. Nuke...  Alliance Agent Lawrence Dobson now appearing on the 4th episode, Season 1 of Psych. He's running a stress call-in line. However, if he can't even talk Jayne in to turning in the Tams, I SURE wouldn't trust him to talk me down from the ledge!
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