Apr 20, 2004 14:08
Subtitle: An overwhelming miasma of ARRRRRGGGG
So I had this presentation that was supposed to be due Friday, I had the majority of it done by Wednesday. This is mostly because I'm a dirty cheat and did the presentation on PreColombian Peru. I basically just used converted my notes from from South American Archeology class into Spanish and looked up some pictures. On Wednesday I learn from a group member that our presentation has been postponed until Tuesday because the network was done. Tuesday roles around and (low and behold) the other groups take up too much time so we don't get to present today, thus our presentation has been postponed indefinitely. Arrrgg I just wanted to get this over with!!
In other news, the parental unit and her new boi are coming to town today. I have inadvertently dubbed this guy (Bob) Uncle Fester because she described him to me as a cross between Uncle Fester and some other comedian who I didn't recognize because he was before my time. I'm glad I finally get to see my mom again for the first time since X-mas break, she also wants my opinion on the new boi. She also wants to eat some place nice in the quarter, but I don't know of any good restaurants downtown, they're all too cliche or expensive for my tastes.
Jumping back a little bit, the allnighter this weekend was ... fun? Or it would have been a great deal more exciting had we actually gotten the play time we were promised. As I understood it, part of the deal was that when everybody else left the Reily center we would get to play around on the inflatables etc. Except after working practically the entire time and after Erin and I announced the winners of the casino, someone pulled the plug on the inflatables and that was the end of that. No play time for you back to work, slave. Oh yeah did I mention that Jim and Josh, who were working the craps tables, got one 15 minute break out of a six hour shift and then had to help clean up until 5:30. I'm sure a lot a people had the same problem, and others didn't but there was supposed to be a rotation of jobs which never really happened. Ugh, I did have a good time dealing black jack though, I just wish I had been able to enjoy the benefits of the allnighter too (i.e. Henna artist, comedian etc). Anyway, enough bitching.