Jungle Clarification

Oct 15, 2008 07:09

We finally finished the Jungle Log guys! That's why the Queen was able to make this announcement. Yes, there was a month or so inbetween the time that the gang went into the jungle and that post, so here's what you the players should understand happened, for OOC reference.

Day 162 (FRIDAY SEPTEMEBER 5) ::Lelouch's group went to the Temple to slay Zikhadhara; Temple Guardian slain and Zikhadhara's body destroyed; Colonel Casimiro arrived too late to do what Lelouch's group had already done. [link]
Day 172 (MONDAY SEPTEMEBER 15) ::The Chancellor notified the populace that Colonel Casimiro's brigade was scouring the Jungle for Zikhadhara's allies. [link]
Day 163 (FRIDAY SEPTEMEBER 6) through Day 199 (SUNDAY OCTOBER 12) ::General de Viers and the rest of the Rivelata military searched Zikhadhara's Temple for evidence that the Godking had or had not been destroyed.
Day 200 (MONDAY OCTOBER 13) ::Balthier & Fran requested to join the search party; Travis and Basch went with them; but when they went to the Temple Den (Zikhadhara's personal rooms where Lelouch's group fought him as well), they were ambushed by the Godking's spirit along with a handful of Rivelata guardsmen (names TBD); all that was evident afterwards was that the red glow on the ceiling of the Den dimmed and faded, leading the whole military infantry that was there to believe Zikhadhara was defeated for good. However, those affected by the Godking's magic (everyone in the room at the time, including Balthier's group of four) did not survive the battle.* (This has not been logged and probably won't be.)
Day 201 (TUESDAY OCTOBER 14) ::The Queen made her announcement. It's entirely possible that some characters knew about the fates described in Lelouch's Jungle Log before this entry, but now everyone does. [link]

*The players plotted this out with the mods.

Hopefully that clears the 'time-gap'/'time-skip'/'lag-time' up. Now plot moves on! /o/
~On behalf of the moderation team

!plot, ! modpost

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