it never ends, does it? [closed]

Apr 28, 2008 18:47

WHO: Bak Chan, Fou
WHAT: Fou is falling under the lamentard curse.
WHERE: Park. Wherever.
WHEN: Today.

The curse itself was hard to ignore. It itched at her mind, and the smell of the blood was undeniably hard to ignore. But she tried, as ordered by just about everybody, and despite her odd movements, and the restless trembling that creeped up on her out of nowhere, she seemed to be doing fine. She seemed to be able to ignore it.

Fresh air helped, too.

At least, until the pain started. She’d been sitting under a tree when it started, just a dull throb. And then it slowly became a sharp pain in her mouth, her fingers, her back, her feet, and her ears… What was happening was beyond her, but it hurt. It hurt so much; she couldn’t even get up to try to go back to the house to find something to make this pain go away.

Strings of curses never stopped leaving her lips as she wrote - though more like stabbed - the pen on the book, writing out a jagged message. She needed someone to come get her. To take her back. Envy, Cloud, Bak - anybody. Thankfully she got a fast reply from Bak, asking where she was, and saying he was coming to get her.

She threw the damned pen down at the book and hissed, bending her knees up to her chest and pressing her hands to her ears. It needed to stop. She couldn’t think a coherent sentence, it was driving her mad.

“Hurry up, you stupid.. idiot..” She muttered, taking a deep breath as she tried to calm herself down, and maybe that would ease the pain - but it never did. All she could do was curse and press her hands tighter to her ears, and wait.

place - park, Ω fou, Ω bak chan

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