bang bang boom [finished, closed]

Apr 27, 2008 19:50

WHO: Zero (zer0_restraint), Hiruma (king_devilbat), Vash the Stampede (save_rem)
WHAT: Vash flips out and makes things go bewm. Hiruma and Zero see the bewm and go to investigate. Hiruma makes fun of Zero's unusual armor decorations.
WHERE: Starting at the jungle gate, going into the jungle.
WHEN: 38? 39? Today or something idk. During the day.


He heard it, faintly, and looked up just in time to see a huge energy blast out of the window of the house which he'd wandered into for some privacy.

"Huh," he said to himself. Looking at the journal, it seemed that Hiruma, that weird bat-guy had noticed it too. Scribbling a reply, he went and found his armor, and began to re-attach the pieces.

Zero adjusted his armor, making sure everything was fitting properly. He'd said in his journal that he was going to remove it and go about in civilian clothes, but there was no way he was doing that if he was going into some uncharted jungle that harbored some crazy virus-carrying jaguar... thing.

The journal he'd thrown across the room when he noticed his system acting up (and saw the journal, oddly enough, responding to his system's virus-detection). It lay in a corner, and he was across the room.

There was no way he was giving into that. No way in hell.

Suited up, he considered leaving the Z-saber behind. The power output was so low that it was nearly useless... but on the other hand, if he really did have to defend himself from humans, it wouldn't kill them, just incapacitate them. Which really would be ideal.

He really felt better wearing his armor. He'd worn it constantly for years, now; there were very few days he remembered not wearing it. Indeed, it hadn't originally been designed to be removable, that'd been added the first time he'd been repaired. Without it, he felt exposed, vulnerable. The weight was familiar, comforting, really.

Stepping out into the sunlight, he ignored the stares of passerby. Even in a world with so many newcomers, someone in armor as unique as Zero's was bound to attract attention.

That done, he headed to the edge of the city, keeping an eye out for that weird toothy human, and wished he could get hold of X.

Ω hiruma youichi, Ω zero, Ω vash the stampede

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