Apr 26, 2008 19:23

WHO: Peter Petrelli, Claire Bennet, Adam Monroe
WHAT: Following the tragic news, Peter immediately goes to comfort his niece.
WHERE: Claire's house.
WHEN: Early evening.

It was so unexpected.

The blood...Peter tried to ignored it. Tried to pass it off as something ridiculous, and - his mind was on other things, or more specifically, people: Claire, Adam, Nathan, Lauren. The people that mattered most on this island, whom he cared for, even loved to a certain point. His mind was on protecting them, making sure no harm came their way, and he thought he was doing the best he could do. Thought.

Then the news.

He was not supportive of Claire moving in with Dean. Claire possibly dating him, and having feelings for him and those feelings being returned. He wasn't sure how much he could trust the guy. Someone who came out of nowhere, rugged and dirty and stubborn, inviting teenage girls to his house, but Peter couldn't deny her happiness for too long. It was what she wanted.

Then the news.

It reminded him of Simone. It reminded him of the gunshots, the holes in her chest, the blood spilling, and he caught her before she hit the floor. Slid down by her side, lay her head gently against the concrete, and everything in him yelling out, crying out, burning up like fire. Peter wasn't sure if he could ever fall in love again after that. If he could ever see anyone die again.


He tried to get a hold of Claire, tried to get her to stay with him, but he needed to be by her side. Peter left the apartment, telling Adam that he was going to Claire's, and if he wanted to follow, he could.

Ran across town to where she was staying, running up to her door, and pounding on it.

"Claire! CLAIRE."

Ω peter petrelli, Ω claire bennet, Ω adam monroe

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