What set you free - I need you here by me because

Apr 20, 2008 14:30

WHO: K' and Ivy Valentine.
WHAT: Ivy comes upon a rather bedraggled K' on the beach.
WHERE: The beach.
WHEN: Day 30 afternoon.

K' had not been having a good day. In fact, it had been a rather fucking horrible day.
In the early hours of the morning he had fought Selene. Fighting wasn't a strange to K', neither was losing. He had lost before, been beaten in the ground before.
But not like that. The woman hadn't been human, she had been something else. Her strength had rivaled his, though at least he had put up a decent fight.
However worse for wear he had ended up.
He still couldn't move his leg enough to stand, and the missing pint or so of his blood wasn't helping. The pain emanating from his inner thigh was enough to make him want to throw up, the slightest movement causing a flare of dizziness. He had known the end-result of her heeled boot smashing into him with super-human strength wouldn't be kind. However, if he hadn't moved to catch the kick with his leg, it would of ended up in his groin.
That would of been worse. Much worse.

K' wasn't sure how long he had been lying on the beach. The sun was in the sky, unmercifully hot on his leather back. K' technically had his journal, but he wouldn't write for help. None of these people had any reason to. It wasn't as if he had any friend among the pages of the mysterious book. He would of rather fried to death on the beach than write an entry begging for aid. Right now that looked to be a very plausible death, his throat dry and chest heaving from the pain and heat.

He was sick, weak, tired and feeling more than a little violated-
but At least his sunglasses weren't broken.

Ω ivy valentine, place - beach, Ω k'

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