
Feb 26, 2008 20:10

WHO: John Connor and Claire Bennet
WHAT: He's walking around and obnoxiously weird girl bumps into him XD
WHERE: Wandering around the market. No specific spot.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon.

John shoved his hands into his pockets and keeping his head down made his way through the over crowded market. His mother's rules, that he had once said were etched behind ( Read more... )

Ω john connor, place - market district, Ω claire bennet

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fuckingblondie March 2 2008, 04:52:01 UTC
"Well... it's not like... that," she said, frowning. "I've told people. They... know. But it's not the same, you know? I don't..."

She sighed.

She had no idea why she'd told him, essentially.

If she was being completely and totally honest with herself, she'd say that she was desperate to be liked. Always the people-pleaser, it was just like Claire to want someone to sympathize with her, to listen, to talk to her, to like her for whatever reason...

"Oh. Um."

Claire had seen her father take a bullet in his side, but.

He was still alive.

"I'm really sorry," she said a bit quietly, frowning.

"What kind of music?" What amused Claire the most about the question was the fact that, essentially, he could name a band and she could have never heard of them before.

Weird, the time thing.

"People will always find something to complain about, no matter what," she said somewhat glumly, making a face.

Shrugging, she tried to think of a proper response, mentally grasping at straws.

"Who knows!" she called out again with a smile. Clothes shopping was one thing, for certain.



heartfor_agun March 2 2008, 21:48:03 UTC
"Not the same as what?" Was that just...a girl thing? To say things you were probably supposed to get but really didn't? Claire had sounded like she'd expected him to know what she meant, but to him, the only reason she would have told him was because she was transferring the way she behaved with Zach to him. And he...Well he was letting her, and he wasn't quite sure why.

John leaned back against the wall of the change room momentarily, and rubbed the bridge of his nose, the mild dizziness had come back, and while food had alleviated it some, he knew that staying on his feet too much wasn't that great of an idea. Deciding to stay still until it passed, he let his head drop back against the wall with a dull thud.

"Um...no, no. It's okay. Uh, he died when my mom was pregnant with me, so I didn't know him." But that didn't change the fact that really, that was all John had really wanted. Well, besides stopping Skynet and never having to be great leader. And while he knew he'd get to know, by the time he did, it'd be too late for him to even really need a father. That was of course, assuming time passed differently here, and that by the time he found his way back, because he would that Judgment Day hadn't already happened and he was still alive.

Time thing, was weird, in his world or this one.

He cracked a grin, "Um, the angry kind? I like, usually, a before my time kinda music. And you?"

Entertaining wasn't exactly what John would call it. Spending time with her? Entertaining. Shopping? Well, like most of the male species, John absolutely hated it. To him, it really just was a necessary evil.

Feeling much more steady on his feet once again, he made quick work of his outfit before stepping back outside, and shrugging his shoulders in a slightly more hopeful gesture. "Better, this time?"


fuckingblondie March 3 2008, 03:33:02 UTC
"I don't know," she said, shrugging it off with a wry frown. She wasn't even sure what she was saying herself half of the time.

"That's no... better. I mean. You must still miss him anyway. It's not like he's just some over-glorified sperm-donor, after all," she said, making a face at the thought. "He's still your dad. I mean. I loved my real dad until... no, never mind. Even then, I still loved him. You can't... not."

"Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, James Blunt, Flaming Lips... that sort of stuff. More... indie, I guess." She shrugged.

"I... guess? You know what, you take that, and you can always come back for something better. You must hate this, and I'm probably not helping," she admitted with a sheepish laugh.

"And we should probably get back at one point... get ready for dinner, or something. It'll get dark pretty soon, and I don't want Peter to worry."


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