WHO: The King and any who would lend assistance.
WHAT: Ridding the island of its pest.
WHERE: The castle courtyard.
WHEN: Today.
NOTES: Quicklog, posting order is unimportant! Tag your characters in. ♥
The King cut an impressive figure as he stood below the arch of stone, the castle's door to its courtyard. The determined set of his shoulders, the defiant steel in his posture--both seemed to offset his obvious youth. What could have been a young man just out of boyhood in another world was, in this one, a king and a warrior, ready for war.
Storm clouds overhead were especially dark today, although a barrier kept the torrential rain from the courtyard. Lightening lit the landscape in a steady stream of harsh relief, thunder rumbled nearly nonstop. The King watched this with an unrelentingly sharp gaze.
It was not a man's place to challenge such a force of nature. It was impossible, it wasn't done, it was certain to fail. It was also not the first time he had allowed his own determination and resolve to lead the way.
Soldiers lined the parapets, and certainly not for show. The maddened beasts of the island seemed to have turned their attention to the castle, and the men fought those that they could and held off those they could not. Special attention was given to the castle gates. These were kept clear, free of menace, and ready to receive the warriors that would stand for their adopted friends and home.
[[ooc: King > Sylar > Carrie > Ashelia > Captain > Paul > Laksha]]