now my heart is a mess, murder scene in my chest [quicklog, closed]

Jun 10, 2010 22:46

WHO: Fou [fairydeity], Alma Karma [doyuulikeme] and Kanda Yuu [kuro_hasu].
WHAT: Monster attack!
WHERE: On the streets, on their way home from... somewhere.
WHEN: Eveningish.

[This rain is going to slowly drive her insane, she knows it. But it's better than the heat, she supposes, because rain keeps the weather down or something, doesn't it?

She's not entirely too pleased to have to go out and drag kids back to the house -- for their own safety, she reluctantly tells herself -- but this place gives her an eerie feeling she's not fond of. Something is constantly nagging at the back of her mind, and it leaves her in a slightly irritable mood.

Arms crossed behind her head, Fou turns a little to glance over at the two she's forced to follow her.]

kanda yu, fou, alma karma

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