Hush little baby/Don't say a word/And nevermind that noise you heard

May 15, 2010 18:50

WHO: Lamb!Form Hiro! orewahitsuji , and OPEN to anyone who wants to find out his little secret. Or laugh at him because he's a jerk and is getting his just deserves.
WHAT: The local wildlife has decided veal is on the menu.
WHERE: Pretty much all over the town proper.
WHEN: Friday evening after his journal post; probably Saturday too because his luck sucks.

"IT'S TRYING TO EAT ME!" Famous last words from one Sohma Hiro, as he bolted as fast as his stubby little legs and hooves could take him; away from his journal, into the middle of the town where few people wandered around due to the still-pouring rain. Behind him a gaggle of animals; hungry forest predators, though nothing large or threatening... yet. Some smaller jungle cats, high above some bird of prey.

It was a miracle (and a testament to his panic) he had managed to outpace the larger animals as well as he had, and as fast as he was running he could do nothing but hope and pray to whatever gods were listening that he'd turn back into a human soon and could turn into something notably less tasty looking.

"Stupid woman!" he growled, under his breath. It was all HER fault he'd turned in the first place! He didn't even know her and she'd bumped right into him like the clumsy idiot she was and now he was on the menu for the influx of forest creatures.

ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, !open, sohma hiro, boba fett

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