The one they call a queen/every radio 'round the world know me/'cause that's where I be

Dec 23, 2009 03:24

WHO: The Nun formerly known as God Eye Galatea sightlessgod and a formerly...not alive Teresa of the Faint Smile awesomerack.
WHAT: Mistletoe.
WHEN: Sometime this week!
WHERE: Hmm, somewhere around Galatea's house?

If someone had told Galatea that she was going to be trapped under a poisonous plant with a dead woman a week ago, she would have likely laughed at them, before remembering she was stuck on a magical island where dead people showed up frequently and where a curse had once turned her hair neon pink.

Suffice to say, nothing was outside the realm of reason any longer.

This was pushing it though. At least they weren't near the Orphanage.

Galatea leaned against the barrier, rolled her neck back, and crossed her arms. All things considered, she looked fabulous today. She wished she could see herself, though it wasn't as if she needed affirmation. The coat that the frivolous clown-goddess had given her fit her perfectly, and although she could regulate her body temperature and didn't need the warmth, it was certainly appreciated. Her hair was impeccable as always, not a strand out of place.

And she'd been trapped under a sprig of detestable leaves for days with a woman who had the conversational skills of a brick wall. Well, that wasn't fair. A cynical, sarcastic brick wall. Galatea was sure she'd heard every blind joke in the book at this point.

"While this has been an...enlightening experience, I think that it's safe to assume we are not going to escape the barrier by waiting for it to go away."

galatea, teresa of the faint smile

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