WHO: Mary Winchester, Yuki Eiri, Shindou Shuichi
WHAT: Shopppping! Clothes and trinkets.
WHERE: All over the Market District
WHEN: Early afternoon, about one-ish.
Mary wasn't quite sure why it had never occured to her before to go out and actually get more clothing to wear, even though logic dictated that she really couldn't continue to wear the same dress every day. Perhaps because this place had never really felt quite real, and she kept expecting to wake up to the sound of Sam crying, or Dean having had a nightmare. Instead she woke up in a room by herself, that was sparsley furnished and looked like something out of a bad period piece.
At any rate, it had clicked in Mary's mind when Shuichi had made the suggestion, that she was stuck here, whether or not she wanted to be, and she had to start dealing with it. Of course, that whole exchange had...been interesting, to put it in the simplist way. Not only had she quickly learned exactly why Shuichi believed Yuki meant the mean things he sometimes said, it had also sparked quite an enraged reaction from her oldest son. Enough of one to come out of 'hiding', so to speak.
The whole...When she'd first heard about the situation from Bela, she'd thought the other woman was a little...confused. Or had her mistaken with someone else. It'd be a large coincedence sure, but that seemed way more believable than the fact that her sons where full grown. But it was true and they...hadn't spoken to her. And no one seemed all that willing to say why, if they knew.
It was a little...A lot upsetting. Mary was a mother. She'd always had that kind of personality, and she found nothing more worth while than raising her sons, and neither of them wanted to speak to her? She got the awkward factor, but there had to be more to it than that. They would have spoken to her sooner. Had she been so terrible at it that they just didn't want to?
But if that were the case, Dean wouldn't have been so angry at Yuki's rather brash behavior. Ugh, the more she was here, the more this place didn't make any sense. It was mostly why she was so glad for this shopping trip, it would do a lot to take her mind off of everything. Now if only the other two would hurry up and get downstairs. She'd been waiting at the 'front desk' of sorts for a good ten minutes.